my 'banded eel' likes to dig under the sand sometimes with just his head sticking out, but my fire eel (in a separate sand-bottomed tank) prefers to live in the gaps between plastic pipes that are in there for catfish and never burrows.
When cleaning I just vaccuum over the top of the sand to pick up detritus, and give the sand a stir from time to time at the same time. Gravel is a LOT easier to look after, but the sand looks way better, and is good for things like Geophagus, horse-faced loaches, Corydoras, etc.
When I first put sand in two tanks heavy algal mats grew all over the substrate, and came back as fast as it was removed. Emerald cats (Corys would do the same job) got it under control in one tank with their constant foraging through the sand, and a Geophagus took care of the second sand tank quite nicely. No algae on the sand anymore in either tank.