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Everything posted by coelacanth

  1. here's one of my little dudes (whom I have no longer...)
  2. The blue crayfish are a natural colour mutation. They are born with the colour, it is not attained
  3. just reading through his Q&A, doesn't sound like the guy has any sort of clue at all. :roll:
  4. if you want to keep plecs, do it in a tropical tank, not a coldwater one. If you want coldwater fish, keep goldfish.
  5. are you using a bucket to refill the water? Just mix hot and cold water to get an approximate temperature
  6. box turtles look sort of like tortoises, a bit boxy-shaped with walky feet instead of swimmy ones, although they can swim quite well. You can get them in NZ.
  7. then there soon may be. Bristlenoses breed like rabbits...(not literally).
  8. male + female = ? he may have eggs in there, or be preparing to start with the breeding. Take it as a good sign...
  9. marbles are more trouble than they're worth. I don't know why people keep recomending them. Go to Mitre 10 or somewhere like that and buy some whitebait mesh, cut a bit to fit the tank and thats your spawning grid. Its easy to take in and out, you can see the eggs and get to them easily if need be, the fish are easier to hook out after they've spawned, etc. If only spawning a pair or trio (rather than a school) I just use a 30cm tank and float it in whatever larger tank is handy to keep it warm. Much easier and saves on room.
  10. also, the salt doesn't evaporate with the water, so topping up with seawater just keeps increasing the salinity till you have a miniature Dead Sea in your tank. Top up with freshwater to compensate for evaporation.
  11. I would say water changes would be important. Rock pools are static for a good part of each day, but have a full water change every time the waves break at high tide! Good thing with rockpool stuff, too, is that its all free and interchangeable every time you make a trip to the beach. Just watch things like crabs, can be nasty towards other animals (or do what i did, and have more than one tank!)
  12. rockpool stuff is easy peasy. Because of the nature of rockpools, the critters that live in the intertidal zone are extremely hardy, tolerant of wide ranges in temperature and salinity. Away from the coast water changes would be accomplished the same way as with any other marine tank (with fake seawater) -- or alternatively keep a supply of extra water for changes. Basic equipment will keep the animals happy (at the least a filter of some sort. I used undergravel). They like lots of water movement. In warmer parts of the country you'd need a chiller in summer.
  13. I've had both Brazilian and dwarf. They are awesome. Haven't seen any around for a while though.
  14. I think they know that 8)
  15. I'm confused by your statement here. "Glass kuhlis" are very uncommon? Pray tell us what a "glass kuhli" is. I've certainly never heard of one, and nothing has appeared in my searches for such a fish. It would appear instead to be a common name made up on the spot (by the exporters in Singapore) to fit these eels, in as much as they are transparent and elongated.
  16. in this case it is possible they were imported under Pangio, seeing as how they were labelled as "glass kuhlis" ?
  17. and what you said to the shop owner was....?
  18. basically if shops are unaware of the eels' identity then they are in the clear. If they are selling them KNOWING what they are (and that they are probably illegal), either through this forum or because people have informed them of the fact, then they will be getting into trouble over it. That would be why sensible shop owners are holding them back until all is sorted. Good for the country, good for the shops.
  19. It is VERY difficult to believe that the importer did not know that these were not loaches.
  20. baby bristlenoses just seem to cruise around all the time, exploring and eating. Its not till they get a bit older that they start hiding out in caves. And then they do tend to prefer tight fits.
  21. I haven't known them to eat Java fern, but apparently others have. The other fish would have to be VERY small for the dollars to eat them (again, I've never known dollars to show any interest in eating other fish, and I would expect only babies would be at risk). Barbs and kribs would be fine. Also, dollars are usually pretty flighty so don't put rocks in their tank. Angels as tankmates help keep them calmer.
  22. the clown loaches will sort them out
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