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Everything posted by livingart

  1. know you are not alone if you keep natives, you have polka dotted fish sometimes chiller helps to keep it at bay
  2. ice cold and fizzy is the best makes me :bounce:
  3. i think if we saw most things being made we would dislike them saw ice cream factory once, guy spat in the mix :evil:
  4. coke lost something when they put the screw caps on the glass bottles still drink it though
  5. awesome tank, lots of clam chowder in there
  6. one of the reasons that breed is on the list olly not a nice experience for anyone to go through let alone a youngster some people breed dogs for agression some breed for look or confirmation to a standard with no regard as to temperament some breed for companion or family dogs ie temperament some of the breeds have had a purpose for many generations, predisposing them to certain types of behaviour after the breeding comes the types of people who get them even the smallest breeds need proper training and socialisation mostly the behaviour of dogs is a reflection on the humans in their lives
  7. add red footed, yellow footed and elomgated to the list matamata, both species of cogwheel, florida soft shell i am mostly diurnal
  8. i think it applies to any breed maybe people should have to sit a license to own a dog to ensure they can control it properly some say we should have the same to have children
  9. a properly trained dog will obey all commands they should be taught to recognise friend or foe and to stop immediately when told to
  10. keep up with the play they were recovered and noone prosecuted adds a bit of truth to the rumours
  11. our turtles water is clear run an aqua one 1200 on them and reptile tube do water changes once a fortnight
  12. the water itself will last awhile the micro organisms not long you can extend their life somewhat by airation sorry never measured their life expectancy in an unfiltered system
  13. rainbow skinks started at the old te maunga rail yard a few years back now more widespread
  14. anyone keeping or selling animals has to comply with the animal wefare act, even retail shops amazing how many people have not heard of it
  15. i caught an american cockroach upstairs :evil:
  16. yes i edited the post i changed it from the original posting which i had asked for approval to post on here i had felt that parts of the thread had been bordering on a commercial activity and felt uncomfortable with this, we are effectively a business (albiet a non profit one ) and other forum members run businesses but don't promote themselves on here so asked for some clarification from admin, after discussion we decided to end the thread as it had served its original purpose and i got the ok to post the posting that is there now after posting it i realised i hadn't thanked ballistic for starting the thread and mystic for the behind the scenes work she did i then realised i had approval to do the original post but had changed it so i returned to the original sorry if i have offended anyone that was not what was intended on our part thank you one and all for your support, words of encouragement, ideas and donations, it helped us keep going through desperate times. remember the forum is bigger than any one of the individuals in it
  17. i edited it i am composing a post , so give me some time please
  18. have you bred from them? ie are they fertile
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