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Everything posted by livingart

  1. might be a rock i have been housing together for 4 years instde enclusure are 1.8metre long outside is 6m x 2m room to get away from each other only problem is with 2 blue tongues fighting only my experience though
  2. yes they can eat both not too often with the meal worms though as they are quite rich and wash the eartworms first
  3. ivan is right david chameleons are currently containment only
  4. sorry can't help with your enquiry but wekcome to the forums
  5. looks like the house gecko methinks, Lepidodactylus lugubris or mourning gecko could be wrong though as they may just have changed colour to match the wall
  6. it is that hoax ad from chch sells monkeys as well yea right
  7. well scaped you have a eye for a live environment
  8. try looking up Megalopsalis inconstans probably a female
  9. it used to when i lived in chch i know nothing of the quality of the water though we used to catch trout in there this is one of the inverts whose presence is used to determine water quality by councils etc around nz
  10. possibly Nesameletus, mayfly larvae its presence shows the water parameters are good as it is fairly sensitive to pollutants
  11. they breed in there as well spoon
  12. maybe some of the frogs were on the weed large net on long pole, round whitebait net is good, can attach to an extendable window cleaning pole then comes the stalking part, scoop underneath where they disappeared stalking of a night with spotlight is better its called follow the croak
  13. i donate a male and a female turtle to the cause:wink:
  14. shinglebacks are in the public arena ie: outside containment
  15. i don't think they mind what they are called so long as it is not late for breakfast
  16. same problem thought it was because i haven't paid the bill :oops:
  17. clothes are hard to digest, can compact in stomach thats why the old day dragons had heart burn
  18. sorry chilli it's syphonators beardie just thought i would load pic for him properly :oops:
  19. huhu beetles or anything that is crunchy and moves
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