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Everything posted by livingart

  1. rogan is absent without leave and paul is in napier methinks
  2. just pay the subs we don't mind if your not there
  3. the green eyed monster changes people
  4. the only thing good at hindsight is a Stag
  5. livingart


    don't you remember Daisy
  6. thanks lyndyloo cricketman, put your wetsuit on and get in with them
  7. i have seen a shop selling majanos it was a while back
  8. thanks guys caroline says the jar is tio fast to smack his nose mystic give them room lynnie and they grow quite fast i put the driftwood in there to make a divider to break up agression currently feeding prawns, oxheart, pinkies and floating pellets
  9. majano on here http://www.xtalworld.com/Aquarium/hitchfaq.htm
  10. yes i edited my post to suggest that
  11. no all good just thought you might get more replies
  12. i don't think its aiptasia does it have a mouth in the middle of disc majano anenome?
  13. you may be better off with an advert in the private trade and exchange section don't forget to read the rules
  14. probably one of the filters the Jardini makes some noise, well actually it is Caroline cursing when he leaps out of the water and snatches the food from her hand
  15. my balas eyes go cloudy when i need to change water all other fish in tank show no signs
  16. you can be the chairman of the bored board P.S. fish from antarctica are really cool
  17. yes a sad occurence that is why i was asking as i want to pair mine up
  18. i am looking for Scleropages jardini if anyone has seen one about some were bought in a few years back and i want to know if any are still around
  19. are you treating catfish? whats the active ingredient?
  20. well i suppose at least the puppy is smiling
  21. you better remove those photos before the pointy stick comes out phoenix
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