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Everything posted by livingart

  1. livingart


    hi jacob and welcome may your stay be pleasant
  2. yes dimsum is correct i saw the documentary the prequel was the man landing on the moon thing when i was younger the worst is the Bot called Tom he is allergic to too much curry powder and it causes him pain thus causing a sore Bot Tom
  3. so basically we have a spot living in a spot and if they can find what is going on with the smaller spot they may be able to kill the bigger spot and our fish could be spot less:wink:
  4. there are fish under the quota system and then size limits coome into it as well if you are looking at doing local marine a chiller will be a must to keep the temps down i have gotten away with moderate temps in the past but i have accesss to fresh salt water as needed
  5. for a lady that is a sign of a serious addiction Zev
  6. the warehou are growing as soon as they get a little bigger i will risk shipping
  7. i think the saltwater pool is big enough mystic
  8. sorry Ira it is a carpet shark about 18 inches long
  9. that is maybe a little more than an addiction firenzenz when 8ft tanks are too small
  10. yes and probably a bit more intelligence
  11. thanks for the heads up i have chained aslan to the pool fence good luck
  12. sold one today already have 4 tame adults so don't want to keep any more
  13. yes anubias and 3 types of java fern in there and your favourite ambulia
  14. we need one of those rolling on the floor with posterior falling off emoticons
  15. :oops: plastic fantastic nick i may take the tank apart and put the carpet shark in there
  16. Caroline said it was a brown shark and i thought young bronze whaler was best pleased when i saw what it was
  17. sorry for the bad pic just got given a bucket of terakihi to eat and this for the tank
  18. they are a pest up here the odd indian hill mynah is still around as well these guys when adults are cheeky, talking birds with real attitude one of our tame ones wouldn't let a family near their picnic lunch you can only miss them if your sights are out hans
  19. Caroline has been rearing 3 of these thay are called larry, curly and moe
  20. been setting up to do a planted tank
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