positive ID of gurnard
originally it was thought shape and finnage were too different
changing more, fins and leg positions changed slightly, size up to 12mm
colour starting to show
eating mysid and pods
good flow ensures the temperature is even across the tank
low flow can mean the heater is only heating the water immediately around it then turning off quite quickly
thermal drift will then move cooler water onto heater to turn it back on
and so on and so on
i didn't realise that as there is no sound on the video :oops:
i will now have to apologise for the judgement i passed on her
it's what happens when you make an assumption with only part of the facts
i no longer feel sorry for him
he is trying his hardest to please his lady
but she is not happy with the choice of beverage he brings
must have been backwards and forwards 40 times that i have seen
at least he is persistent,
he must really :love: her