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Everything posted by Andrew_W

  1. 1st Problem, my t5's are making the water to hot. the heater is set to 27ish (I have never seen it some on during the day) anyways with 4 lights on the temp goes up to 28-29, and with 6 tubes on it goes to 29+. I'm not worried about the temp being two hot for the fish, although the BN probably isn't that happy. (fish are discus, cory, clown loach and GBA) As far as the fish go, with the temp drop after the lights off are the fish going to be affected? As far as the plants go, are they going to be happy with the temp cruising over 29? as far as the lights go, is heat generated by the tubes or the ballast? 2nd question. I'm going to try using Algaefix to control my rather bad algae problem. directions say to use every 3 days...If I'm doing a 50% water change every day, should I dose with algaefix after every change, or try to resist doing a water change for a few days? I have left the tank totally sunlight free, and added heaps more plants to try use up all the algaes food. And the algae is still bad. so using algaefix is sort of a last resort. Thanks.
  2. Corro is great :lol: sit back with my Nan and a G&T...accept In OZ they where a couple of weeks ahead, so have to watch repeats this week.
  3. are you asking me? 120L, aqua one CF1200
  4. wow thats awesome. too bad we don't have the green with envy smilie
  5. HUH? :-? Um the blue plastics pump, has a standard garden tap fit, an from that it has has standard hose snap fitting. then add the hose
  6. yeah it work on like a venturi system. the blow fitting has like a valve, having it open creates a vacum from the water from tap passing through it, which empties it. and then close it off to fill the tank....hard to explain, but yes the fitting empties and fills the tank.
  7. apartment living, every thing is close. haha. and yeah. surely you can get house to reach from a tap somewhere, even if add cold water slowly, and you can get those hoses that coil up, for easy storage.
  8. Mines only 120. Do it you know you want to.
  9. Become a police dog person thingy...OR the drug sniffing dogs at the airport, so you can goto kids parties and steal all their drugs :lol:
  10. WHOAH love that 1st one. Very nice. How big is your tank.
  11. Yeah thats the fitting, I had to drastic modifications, to attach it top my tap but well worth it, all the the flow from the tap isn't very good so it takes awhile to suck the water out. I have it on a tap that hot and cold are all in one, so I can adjust the temp, and I add conditioner as I add the water TOO EASY
  12. Haha so far 3 water changes in a row, I was only planning on doing one a week, but I'm to scared. :lol: water changes are easy with those water change tape fittings. I wish I could fit, and afford a larger tank
  13. 5 clown loaches to eat the snails. 3 cory to eat all the stuff the others don't
  14. haha people with cringe. 3ft 120L
  15. how do they do their thing without the birds and the bees? are there male and female plants, or do they just release stuff into the water :oops: Do you need more than one, or can a plant reproduce by it self???
  16. There was a HUGE tank on TM not so long ago, that had an FX5 buy now was less than $600 from memory. Pretty good, came with tons of other stuff you could sold off to off set the cost (including a 600l tank) :lol: Due to our lovely rules, and the number of my official warnings wracking up you'll have to try find it yourself. Edit my bad its actually a
  17. used to, not so much now...only if I want to try catch something and don't how/where ect...Or when we used to do comps I would post a review. But boats gone now and fishing is a once in a blue moon event now.
  18. I think you mean the best I'll confess that my 1st thought was a dislike towards the pigeon orangey colour discus, in favor of the leopards, and the spotted green...But the orange/white/yellow looks amazing under the T5's and I'm super glad I got him/her...does take the focal point away from what hopefully will turn out to be a nicely planted tank though. :lol:
  19. Thanks guy/gals...Cant wait for them to get settled in.
  20. Hell NO, well not at the moment, I have no intention of breeding them. Way too much work for me. Heaps of respect for those that do...Ron
  21. Umm he is doing it again...Is this a problem with him eating the CO2 bubbles?
  22. the two big ones are around 15-16ish cm including the tall lol pretty hard to messure, they are 1-2yrs
  23. Thanks, yeah 2 huge/big ones and 2 medium ones. They are from the same breeder as Pupuke
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