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Posts posted by cichlid7

  1. That will be part of the problem - you really will need to get a bigger tank soon, otherwise your Oscar will become sick more and more often. They are a big messy fish, and need a fairly big tank to remain healthy. I'd suggest you get at least a three foot tank as soon as you are able.

    i think thats is a temp tank :wink:

  2. I went and got some water today from the usual place i get it but when i got home i saw something swimming around

    so i got it out and tried to take photo's but no good.

    its got 8 - 10 legs, 2 things coming out the front of it kind a like feelers or something and a flat tail the width of its body and kind of like a shell.

    will try to get better photos but its only approx 12 - 15mm long 3mm wide


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