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Posts posted by cichlid7

  1. Sort of on the same subject I've heard before that wood lowers the pH. By how much?? Because I have a reasonably large piece of driftwood in my tank that has been there for the best part of 2 years and the pH is always about 7.4... and it comes out of the tap at 6.8-7.0

    it is not just the wood other things in the tank comes into it too.

    have you got light or dark gravel as that affects the PH.

  2. Dixon that is so awesome! Im Jealous MUCH! very nice.

    Where did you get your shelving system from? I rung mitre 10 to see if they did the big metal screw together shelves and they said they dont... :-?

    I have issues trusting bracket shelving like that though.... lol :lol:

    Star^ <><

    They are not Dixons tanks he just fixed the photo's for Amazonian

    they are Amazonian's tanks


  3. I have a number of aq. rocks glued together from another project, and wish to return them to the tank, will the glue, now years old cause any problems?

    the glue is already on the rock they are stuck together already.

    No i would not put that in the tank to many toxins in it. you will need to get different ones.

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