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Posts posted by cichlid7

  1. What is the best way to heat a fishroom

    it is 3.6 x 3.6 x 2m high

    i want to keep the room about 27 - 28*c

    Its Fully insulated

    Currently have heaters in most of the tanks but would prefer to heat the room instead of each individual tank.


  2. he goes for a 3 -4k run daily we got him off a farm when he was 10months old he is very well trained as he was trained to be a pig hunting dog but he was scared of the pigs lol then the guy tried to get him to be a sheep dog but he just played with the sheep. so the guy had no use for him so he gave him away. his is crossed with a border collie he will do anything you say to him except stay on the property. when i feed him i can make him sit and tell him to stay then i can walk away come back 5 mins later and he will be sitting in the same spot then i say eat and he will then eat. only done that twice though it seems a bit mean.

    he is now 13months old

  3. Anyone know how to stop a dog from jumping a 6ft high fence.

    i have 2 dogs

    my male dog (whippet x )

    My female dog (jack russell x )

    About 5 weeks ago my female dog became in season so we put her in side the house for the 3 weeks and and took her out into the front garden on her lead each day. But after a few days my male dog started jumping the fence (we live next to a park) and walking around to the front door and sitting there until we took him around the back again. But now that she is back in the back garden with him for 2 weeks he is still jumping the fence and playing in the road (as Loppy knows thanks for bringing him back to us :hail: ).

    We were told if we got him de-sexed it should stop him from jumping the fence :roll: :lol:

    Does anyone know if this will work or not and any other ideas


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