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Posts posted by cichlid7

  1. Yep, you win a full grown VIP chilli red arowana!! *

    *you have 30 minutes to claim your prize from me in person at my house in Auckland, otherwise it is null and void and you miss out.

    lol wouldn't it be funny if he was in auckland today

  2. going a bit off topic but does someone from another club have to come around to check once free swimming and then in another 30 days or just the once after 30 days? and can it just be any member of a club or is there someone from each club that checks?

    Congrats on the fry :D

  3. i have always wondered what the best temp is for breeding killies.

    For the last 10 weeks i have had the tanks on 22*c and only finding up to 5 eggs each week, checking mops every couple of day.

    last 10 or so days i moved the tanks and they have been on 26*c

    they have always been fed on flake and microworms + once a week they get frozen bloodworms and frozen brineshrimp

    Since i have got the Scheeli i have only had 8 eggs from them and that is over a 3+ month period with the water at 22*c.

    i just going through the mops and found about 30 eggs on the scheeli mop

    In a couple of weeks i will raise the temp to 28*c and see how many eggs i get.

    Also i have got a few fry that have hatched over the last couple of days.



    Gardneri Albino

    :bounce: :bounce:

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