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Posts posted by cichlid7

  1. Here's the latest pic of my 440L community tank


    9 tiger barbs, 10 black neon tetra, 2 siamese algae eaters, 1 golden gourami, 1 bala shark, 2 bolivian butterflies, 1 bristle-nosed plecco, 4 platies, 12 emerald eye rasboras. Added 3 platties and the rasboras today. That's it, no more fish, well after I find 2 female bolivians... ;-) The net at top right is full of Riccia I got at the last Waikato swap meet, that I haven't decided what to do with yet. Thinking of netting it to the wood in the centre between the Anubias. Just had a massive prune of the Aponogetons in center back. Thinking about (re)moving the centre one of the three Swords on the left so the wood is more visible, the Java Moss is growing nicely on it.

    what type of swords are they on the left

    i wants some for my new tank

  2. Will try and get a pic its not Dropsey scales are fine but they just have this stuff on them all the other fish are fine in the tank just the 2 tinfoil barbs.

    they did not seem that interested in food where as normally the go crazy.

    will try a photo now.

  3. i have 2 tinfoil barbs they are both approx 25cm long i was just out in the fishroom feeding the fish and saw "things" on them

    Its hard to explain what it is but its kind of like flaky skin all over them.

    I have no idea what it is


  4. Love the tank!!! :bow::bow:

    I didn't know what euro bracing was either. :-? So, if I'm understanding correctly, it's sort of like a tank within a tank, so to speak?? Is it glass against glass?



    No, it is glass around the top of the tank only no centre

    on top of the tank you put say 40mm at both ends and along the fron and back.

    like this


  5. are the Bia's what you thought they would be?

    Yes they are, thank you

    Nothobranchius Steinforti

    Peat Spawners

    thought they were peat spawners by the shape of them

    Do you know how to breed them all?

    Kind of you sent me a thing on how to breed them so that should help a lot and the June Nzka newsletter will help.

    Thanks again guys :D

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