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Posts posted by cichlid7

  1. Id just like to say thank you to

    Johannes Visser - for Holding on to a breeding group and fry of Sciaenochromis Fryeri

    Barrie - For giving me 2 pair Fundulopanchax Scheeli. 2 pair Chromaphyosemion bitaeniatum and 5 others which i will have to ask what they are :oops:

    Navarre - For bringing the fish down for me from Auckland which included numerous scans and having to unpack all of the fish at the airport.





  2. The owner, who now has moved on, told the child his fish had drowned

    :lol: :lol: how could you tell someone that their fish had drowned.

    the next thing the mother will see is her child catching all the fish and laying them on top of the tank. :roll:

  3. I made 15 of these for my killie tanks they work very well

    i made them from glass they are 5cm x 5cm x 12cm tall i drilled lots of little holes at the bottom 4cm of a 13cm long 20mm pvc pipe then put that in the glass box then put stone/gravel in up to 5cm, then filled it up with filter wool stuck and airstone down to the bottom of the pvc pipe put it in the tank turned the air pump on and away it went.

    i could see things that were floating around in the tanks being sucked down onto the filter wool. It does a great job IMO

    see diagram :)



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