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Everything posted by Milet

  1. It all seems wayyy too confusing for me i dont really get how they work :oops: and how to set one up...maybe someone can gimme a Sump 101
  2. Okay i swear that when i was at kindergarton that worms were everywhere... I spent like an hour the other night in the rain digging around and found none! Does anyone have any good ways to find them? Or a mating call or something? Also what other bugs do fishies eat? Its to try on my Clown Knife Ta, Milet
  3. Are you still using the FX5 in that tank? Hows it going in there, im trying to find a good filter for my next tank and i was thinking FX5. And if you dont mind me asking what you do for lighting on your tank?
  4. Thanks wok I have been reading a few threads about them on here and seem quite good.
  5. Hey all What external filter do you recomend for me to use on my 6X2X2 that I will be setting up for a Clown Knifefish and some other bigger fish? I dont really have room for a sump. Thanks
  6. Lol ill see how much i can scrape out of the wallet for a tank first. but i want to get as big as i can. At the moment hes only in a 4X1.5X15 tank. And only with a Pleco and some bristlenose, i too scared he might attack soemof my other fish lol. but once i sort out what size tank i want, im gonna start looking for bigger fish,.
  7. Man your tanks still looking awesome! What are your new clown knives eating(and is it with lights on our light out)? Ive tried a few things but not much success... But yeah tank looks sweet! Ive been talking to Tim at insideoceans and hopefully gonna get a 6X2X2 or bigger made up. Inspired by you lol :lol:
  8. Ahhhh, Thanks coelacanth that acutally helped Thanks AGAIN!
  9. sweet thanks. Yeah i hate common names too! While on the topic of names, which is the proper scientific name for the clown knife fish? I just writing out a whole lot of stuff on it to help me more, but there seems to be a few different versions, (Notopterus) Chitala ornata, Chilata chilata, Notopterus ornata etc. Which is it?
  10. Lol i tried your trick loop, he stared blankly at the shrimp on the wire for a few minutes. Just gotta keep trying and trying lol. Payday tomorrow so will go get some pellets to try.
  11. I havnt seen a Datnoid Before at any of the shops in Chch. Well if i have, they cant have been very big.
  12. Cool A.prophecy. What size tank is that
  13. Thanks snookie Can anyone show me some pics of their Clown knife and/or its tank setup please?
  14. Ohok, what would keep up with the growth rate of the knife?
  15. lol i doubt it.. :roll: ..the first one i saw i was only a kid and i dont think it survived the rock......
  16. Think ive seen two in my life, both in kaikoura
  17. so id be better off getting an eel thats already alot bigger than the knife huh?
  18. Sorry dude, but what is a lamprey? lol i thought it was those but ugly saltwater slimy blind eel things?
  19. Milet


    i put some of the ones that u sent me in withmy bros leopardfish Cold water tank and they lay more eggs than the ones with heater :-?
  20. lol, today puffdaddy(the bigger n fatter of the two F8's) took a step up from snails and bloodworms, and devoured a neon tetra the same size as him! I just got up and turned the lights on, and was watching them and within a flash, he had the neon in his mouth then swallowed it with one bite! Just thought it was pretty kool considering they are the same length!
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