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Posts posted by Dixon1990

  1. I think I should add to the list of annoying ads...That stupid "When will you die?" ad on some websites that makes an annoying laughing noise whenever you accidentally move your mouse across it.

    Assuming that hasn't been mentioned yet.:P

    Thats Horrible.

    It scared the crap out of me the first time i heard it.

    And probably the second time :lol:

  2. What we know about axolotls today is very little and to me they are the most mysterious domestic animal and for me the mystery that surounds creatures intrigues me and thats why I love axys and other herps as well as having alot of good early child hood experiences with reptiles and ampihbians

    Is see red, green, blue and other brightly coloured axolotls one of those experiences? :D

  3. I've heard heaps about the African Dwarf (Hymenochirus boettgeri) and African Clawed (Xenopus laev)frogs on American websites and I was wondering if we have them here in NZL?

    I remeber seeing a few at the Napier aquarium.

    Nope, akaik the only frogs you can keep here are the 4 species of introduced Australian frogs. :(

  4. I think it is Poropanchax, but don't tell Wok, he has been entering the in the database a Aplocheilichthys!

    My normani like to hang around the surface.

    And the Bitaeniatum are all over the place depending on where the leaves of the anubias are to hide under!

    Ahhk just saw fishbase has it as Aplocheilichthys

  5. What about these together;

    Pseudepiplatys Annulatus (Top)

    Poropanchax Normani (Middle schooling)

    Aphyosemion Bitaeniatum OR Striatum OR Austraile Gold (Mid-Bottom)

    Is Poropanchax Normani the current valid name? Or Aplocheilichthys normani ?

  6. zebra/leopard danio? I say Zebra Dye-no but have been told its Dan-iee-o :-?

    I might just be stupid :lol:

    but thanks for starting this post, now I know I'm not the only one who cant say the names right :hail:

    ... and spell :lol:

    I say Dah-Nee-Oh :lol:

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