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Everything posted by snookie

  1. im glad you found it helpful and informative blue and kim ,
  2. puffers are great i have 4 green spotted puffers
  3. just a thought 8) , as that can cause ammonia problems etc... thats all
  4. have you checked to see if there are any dead fish under wood ,rocks etc..
  5. keep it on your watchlist it will give you some idea how much they are worth and how much to expect to pay i guess
  6. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing ... =110940641 :roll:
  7. Tiger Datnoid growth rate i understand these fish have a slow growth rate , but how slow is slow ? i guess would also depend on food , size of tank ,water conditions blah, blah ... have your fish grown much since they were purchased ?
  8. im not that worried about it Bill , i have a Scat and puffers , I heard they were toxic , and i just wanted to know if it was true or not
  9. found this while surfing the net . http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entre ... stractPlus im not going crazy !!
  10. what sort of filtration are you using ?
  11. thats what i was thinking ! :roll: , (expensive noodles ) !
  12. snookie


    are you on about paradise ??
  13. are these guys living with your dat ??
  14. any more news ??? :roll:
  15. welcome im from the south of england ,
  16. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 979467.htm :roll:
  17. trying pulling venturi above water level
  18. our power went back on around 5 this morning so power off for around 36 hrs ,luckily no casualties (yet ) , but puffers are looking a bit annoyed
  19. take to your lfs they may pack it for you for a small fee box etc...
  20. sorry to hear that ,whys that ? :roll:
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