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Everything posted by snookie

  1. not even with heater , uv light etc.. indoor use ?
  2. has anyone or could you use a flexarium as a permanent home . for reptiles of a suitable size ?
  3. i think it could be a gender thing as well ,
  4. !drool: !drool: !drool: :spop:
  5. their is no pic its $126.50 http://www.wonderworldpetcentre.co.nz/shop.php?action=moreinfo&itemid=5862 they have silver arowana for $137.90 http://www.wonderworldpetcentre.co.nz/shop.php?action=moreinfo&itemid=1839
  6. White Silver Arowana for sale at WonderWorld on there list http://www.wonderworldpetcentre.co.nz/shop.php?action=items&subcatid=116 is it just a shiny silver :dunno: no pic
  7. my green will shred/kill any other fish that swims on the surface
  8. what i did is chopped up a prawn/shrimp mix some pellets in , and throw at water surface , My Aro grabbed shrimp and pellets at sort of same time and realised pellets were not so bad after all , and munched them ever since
  9. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=23&t=16055
  10. he is in a 6 foot at the mo
  11. When is a Trimac cichlid , not a Flowerhorn? if you know what i mean :dunno: in looks etc..
  12. i found Sera food good , but cant find a stockist no more http://www.sera.de/en/products/freshwater-aquarium/food-for-ornamental-fish/granulated-food/sera-granuar.html
  13. you are talking about the tank ?
  14. Nutrafin Max predator sticks contain 20 % earthworm if that helps http://www.hollywoodfishfarm.co.nz/detail/view/nutrafin-max-predator-sticks-80g/m/1004/ :smln:
  15. greens are microchipped as well :smln:
  16. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=40&t=43270 :sage:
  17. on the bottom or sides , could you put a pic of your crack ??
  18. how big our/were the cracks ? should really patch or new glass imo :facepalm:
  19. also is it patched , or just smeared on the cracks ?
  20. An Asian Arowana would be the best choice imo for many reasons ,
  21. they are redhook pacu so are max size , you should buy his Carapo knife rare and monster 8)
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