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Everything posted by jewelz

  1. I waited almost two years before I had any success. Four days ago I decided I'd had enough and went to catch them to get rid of them and blow me down, my male was surrounded by 45 odd babies :bounce:
  2. ok took 400 odd litres out of my big tank the other day and needless to say it was one of those 'pressed for time' days so I grabbed one end of the fill hose, went to the kitchen and attached it to the tap, turned it on and did other things while waiting for the tank to fill (got the fill time downpacked). Went back to the tank to take hose out only to discover I'd never put the hose in What can I say...lucky we've got a concrete floor..just recently laid down the carpet too
  3. I stand corrected herefishiefishie Metro is aimed at flagellated parasites which reside in the gastro intestinal tract. Enteric disease from these parasites can result in systemic infections hence the effective use of metro both as a primary and secondary form of treatment.
  4. Prazi is extremely effective for the treatment of external flukes, liver flukes, internal parasites and internal worms in both tropical and coldwater fish. Metro is an antibiotic which is often needed for secondary infections that tend to occur due to either blockage or resulting damage to the internal organs. Metro therefor should not be used as a primary treatment for parasites.
  5. I use hot water and white vinegar, soak em overnite then rinse and put in sun for my quarentine tank nets. The others are just soaked in boiling water for a bit and put in sun to dry once a week..if I remember.
  6. Yes I agree. A fluval FX5 will not only do the job but make the job easier to do when it comes to water changes. I'd have one on every big tank..if only I could afford it...
  7. ooops. For some strange reason I never got past page one till I had already submitted this post :oops: You wont regret getting this filter tho!
  8. Hi bOi. I'm running a fx5 on my 800 ltr malawi tank (plus a internal of 2000 lph) and its fantastic. Water changes are super fast and the tanks crystal clear and as for noise, theres none. You can get them for under $500, just shop around.
  9. More light will help reduce brown algae but this stuff will still flourish with or without light if the nitrate, silicate, phosphate levels are high. Silicates in particular enable brown algae to flourish. Starve em from these and you should solve the problem. If you have a silica based substrate then this can leach over time into the water as well bringing the levels back up slowly. You could try using a silicate absorbing resin in your filter along with more frequent water changes, gravel vacuuming and dont overfeed (hard I know when your cichlids beg you for just a little bit more) :roll: I had this problem with one of my tanks but by doing the above, I wiped it out now my pleco sure earns his keep and loves chowing down on the odd small patch of brown algae so its not around for long.
  10. Yes it is the lack of light that results in brown algae. You should have your lights on for part of the day to get rid of this problem Smidey
  11. jewelz

    spectrum foods?

    For those that are interested, the following are the regulations covering fish food importation: 7.1.1 non-viable organisms to be used for aquatic animal or fish food; and 7.1.2 viable Artemia salina and Artemia fransiscana cysts to be used for aquatic animal or fish food. NOTE: Artemia species must be noted in accompanying documentation or on packaging. 7.2 Shelf-stable fish food and fish bait may be given biosecurity clearance without zoosanitary certification or treatment provided it is packaged for retail sale in hermetically sealed containers. 7.3 Non shelf-stable fish food and fish bait may be given biosecurity clearance provided they are accompanied by ZOOSANITARY CERTIFICATION (see PART D: ZOOSANITARY CERTIFICATION) with the exception of: 7.3.1 marine fish that has been frozen to below -18ºC for a minimum of 18 hours prior to importation. NOTE: Species and country/region of origin must be noted in accompanying documentation. http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/imports/ ... ic.all.htm
  12. jewelz

    spectrum foods?

    Been in touch with the powers that be. Good news. Should be no problems with having this NLS food being sent over. :bounce: :bounce: Freakyfish you have been pm'd
  13. jewelz

    spectrum foods?

    I'll look into it then
  14. jewelz

    spectrum foods?

    I've always been on the lookout for it but to no avail. Freakyfish would you post LFS food to NZ?
  15. I've had the odd breeding frenzy where my girls are breeding with themselves. Quite amusing from this side of the tank but the poor male seems awfully confused :roll:
  16. jewelz


    :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Congrats African. A beautiful species of peacock. Its the begining of many more spawns to come.
  17. Yep African, was a Palmerston store but I was told that this pair came in from a local who presumably saw what they were going for and saw the potential of a easy earn.
  18. Bulldog if you have no other fryeri then I would suggest you go to your LFS up there and get yourself a harem. At least you could rest assured that any eventual bullying would be dispersed amongst the girls and for the size difference you wont be waiting too long for the male to start showing the nice colouration as displayed in the trade me pic.
  19. Thats what I first thought but nope they come from a private breeder. Thing is they probably will sell :roll:
  20. African is right, there should be a harem so that the males attentions are dispersed. You would be wise to watch her carefully and separate her should she show signs of distress or alternatively get some more females. My males at 10cm were rearing to breed, however my females were slightly smaller and did not hold their eggs for the first couple of times due to their inexperience. As for price..well our LFS has a juvenille male/female for $180 :roll: At the end of the day I guess it depends on how much you want em!!
  21. It was me who bidded for the trade me auction. Originally I was going to post that it was illegal to sell Vallisneria gigantea but then clicked who the seller was and knew it wasnt that species of val as I have seen his tank. I wasnt aware however, that any other was banned :oops: I too have seen this being sold in numerous pet stores around the country so this thread has been really educational. CrazDevil did the right thing and made contact with me after the auction closed in regards to this situation.
  22. jewelz

    Hi all

    I'd love to be able to get some decent pics of my fish sometime!! Trouble is they see me coming a mile off and all I end up with is a broiling blur. Most frustrating. I've got the usual. Electric yellows, kadango's, S. fryeri, Otopharynx lithobates, Cyrtocara moorii, lumpheads, Demasoni, ice blues, OB peacocks (babies) stuartgranti maleri female both of which were showing signs of breeding then he up and died on me I'm sure I've forgotten some but thats about it. ooh then theres the livebearers. Speaking of which I need to go do a couple of water changes now.
  23. jewelz

    Hi all

    Thanks everyone. I had thought I was the only 'fish crazed' person out there but it seems I'm not alone after all..(at last proof for the family) :roll: Mystic Vampire-your angel is quite happy chasing round guppy fry at the moment. BlueandKim-aae1 is just down the line and he has some mighty fine looking stock. I have sourced good breeding lines from him in the past. :bounce: Smidey Afrikan - I'm sure you can offer me a wealth of knowledge Ryan - Hi What started off as a logistical nightmare when you moved down here ended up pretty sweet in the end. Yes I plan to be there this weekend. Cant wait to see your fish in their own home. By the way your female lithiobate is full of eggs and is driving my male insane but she still wants to do it on her own!!
  24. I feed mine with spiralina flake, nova rift, granu green, wafers, mysis flakes, frozen brine shrimp and frozen shrimp, earthworms (when I can con one of the family to chop them up) frozen peas, freshly blanched green beans, zucchini, cucumber. Lately they've all taken a liking to puha and spinach. I also make my own frozen mix which I scrape off and hand feed cause it can cloud the water slightly. Oh and by the way hand feeding the bigger guys isnt always pleasant especially if they are determined to get that freckle off your hand!!
  25. jewelz

    Hi all

    Well I have been procrastinating looong enough. I have been lurking in the background for some months now browsing the forums with every intention of introducing myself but this site is so interesting and informative that I kinda get caught up and forget why I logged on in the first place. :oops: Anyway I have been quietly breeding many different species of fish over the years and have been pasionate about cichlids for the past 3-4 years. Currently running seven tanks ranging from 60 to 800 ltrs, most of which house african cihlids. Ive told myself NO MORE TANKS... after I get just 2 more tanks cause theres a couple more cichlid species I want and then theres the tanginikin tank...
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