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Everything posted by penguinleo

  1. I'll take your advice.. :lol: Good luck for yours too.
  2. Yay sat my Chemistry Level One exam today :lol: One down and 5 to go! Maths is tommorow so I better get cracking..
  3. HFF in Albany had one about 2 or 3 weeks ago but it went out on the first week. And there seems to be none on the lists anymore.
  4. I just use rolled oats and they thrive.
  5. My condolences towards this great man indeed.. Although I had never met Alan himself, he was a great help to me and a very warm and welcoming member of FNZAS. The news that he has deceased shocks me greatly... Alan was the first person that I spoke to when I joined.. with his cute little puppy avatar.. Will definetly miss you Alan.
  6. If you don't mind going for a bit of an expensive fertiliser, Seachem's Flourite is probably one of the best. It doesn't rot like some other fertilisers out there and it can also be mixed with dark coloured gravel which can produce a striking effect especially in a planted tank (since the flourite is redish). There are also new Seachem ground fertilisers that have recently come into many fish stores in New Zealand. The JBL aquabasis (I think it's called that..can't remember..) isn't bad either. If you are planning on keeping many types of fine leaved plants, e.g. Hairgrass, I would personally recommend it. Good luck.
  7. Everyone knows that annoying green spot algae that grows on the aquarium glass and sometimes on plants (which gets really annoying). But does everyone know why it is appears? I have heard so many different types of reasons on why it does grow such as high levels of light, high nitrate levels, sunlight, overdose of fertilisers...BUT does anyone actual know FOR SURE? Is there anyone out there who managed to actually cure green spot algae in their tank? Like used this "thing" and it all disappeared..you know..Could you please share your story? Thanks.
  8. Thanks for the comments everyone. I don't know how I managed to get that photo that nice... I know I should not really keep GBAs in a dwarf cichlid tank.. :lol: but since they are just going for it I will leave them for a while. P.S: Hey Antwan, haven't seen you around for a while. How's uni doing you?
  9. He isn't the best crowntail out there but I still wanted to show off...Enjoy
  10. Apologies for the late reply. I got a bit unlucky. On the 3rd day of my female holding the eggs, I found one of my female GBAs in the spawning cave, by the looks of it munching on the eggs. The female was fiercely fighting off the GBA but you know those stubborn amour plated catfish. So as a result, the first spawn was failure. But hopefully they will spawn again a few weeks. The female looks keen too. Here are some photos of my Apistogramma Hongsloi (Parents) like requested.
  11. So far so good. The female is still guarding the eggs well, and fortunately haven't eaten them. They should probably hatch tommorow afternoon or on Saturday morning...Um, are those Umbrella dwarf cichlids? I will update a photo of the male asap. The female is in the cave with the eggs so I can't get a good photo of her.
  12. Well it took 6 months. And finally today, my pair of Apistogramma Hongsloi spawned in my main 200L community tank. At first the female was a bit timid and disliked the male. But yesterday she seemed really pink in the belly and was following the male around. This morning, I found her in a new piece of wood (shaped like a hollow cave) I placed in the tank a few days ago. The good thing is that the hole is very small so the larger fish can't get at the eggs (e.g. Torpedo barbs, discus). It seems pretty dark in there though and I hope that the male could have fit in to fertilise the eggs for the female. It's their first spawn so I don't expect a successful first spawn but I will keep my fingers crossed! I'll also post some pictures if I can remember to do so (although they won't be much to see...)
  13. Hmmm...there are two clean white coloured discus in Hollywood fish farm, Albany. They don't have any specks or spots as well...just pure white. They are at a gud price too!
  14. Wow. That's awesome..now just for the female..lol. What shop had him?
  15. Can we get Red eagle discus in New Zealand?
  16. Hi Luke, I have 9 sparklings at the moment but they are really hard to sex. The only way probably to be accurate is to just watch them. The males click and fight each other (spinning around each other) and then the females are chased by the males. There are some things on google which tells you to look at the ovaries but I don't think that really works.
  17. penguinleo


    Ha, there are heaps at Hollywood at Albany.
  18. I had green water a few months ago and boy did it get bad..you can hardly see the fish in the tank and when something swims by it's hard to tell whether it was a cardinal or something else! But the UV sterilisers do a great job. I installed one of the pondmaster ones to my canister filter and in about a week it all started to turn crystal clear again. Some people say that it can destroy other good beneficial bacteria as well but so far I am having no regrets. I highly recommend one in the battle of green water. Good Luck!
  19. Listening Coral or Plants
  20. Freshwater!! Coral or Plants
  21. novel desktop or laptop
  22. Thank you very much to you all. All your advices and helps really helped out in this tank. And fishboi I sent you a PM.
  23. Thank you to you all. I moved my hatchet ages ago by the way.
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