Started a new tank (like Reef) and also started this thread (like Reef)
The tank is:
*1000mm x 500mm x 400mm (200 litres) + black stand
*300 Watt Eliet Hagen Heater
*Arcadia T5 light (39W x 4=156W) 6500K T5 Plant Pro bulbs
*Ehiem 2026 Professional 2 canister filter
*JBL Aquabases ground fertiliser
*Dark coloured gravel 2-3mm
*JBL Proflora CO2 injection system with Ehiem regulator
*JBL ProTemp Basis 250
Got the tank started a week ago. Sorry, don't have any photos of the setting up process. Photos were taken with a cheap video camera. Not the best quality.
A brief sketch on what I am planning to do with this tank :lol:
2 pictures I was inspired by
The tank at the moment looks very bare, which it is. Awaiting some more plants which will arrive next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
The filter, substrate heater, and the cables...
And I just spotted my tiny Tiger Lotus plant (which Antwan sent me for free ) producing another tiny leaf. Thanks Antwan.
In the tank there are currently:
2 Apistogramma Huallagas
2 Hatchet Fish
2 Black line flying foxes
6 Cardinals
1 Schwartz Cories
And I am planning to add:
10-14 more Cardinals
5 Otocinclus
2-4 Tri-line torpedo barbs
5 Schwartz cories
3 young wild Cockatoo Dwarf cichlids
1 Flagtail catfish
2 Golden Black-Eyed Ancistrus
Maybe 10 Emperor tetras
Plants to come:
Green Pine, Red Pine, Glosso, Polysperma, Sagittaria Grass
May add:
x1 Aqua UV Sanitizer (11Watts)
Going to take a while to get everything settled. I will keep updating after changes take place. Thanks for looking :bounce: