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Everything posted by penguinleo

  1. A small update. Just got bored.. More photos but with a digital camera. Happy Mr Huallaga And happy Mrs Huallaga Plants are starting to give off new roots...slowly... And does anyone know the name of the bright green plant in this photo? The one on the right. I'll keep updating..
  2. Hmm..I don't have any cabomba.. :lol: It is Ambulia I think you are talking about. But still Ambulia will win the race. I had some cabomba in my last tank but it grew so much so quickly it was like a pond weed...I liked the thick heavy leaves but they fell off too much and went everywhere. Too hard to root too. :-? So this time I am not getting any. And thanks for the compliment Shiuh. :bounce: I'll keep you updated.
  3. Thanks to both of you The rimless look is interesting I guess. I will keep everyone updated. Maybe next update when plants arrive. And this time I will use a digital camera... :roll:
  4. More photos CO2 which will be used. Just need to refill it. A few Cardinals.... A small clump of Java Lace fern that will hopefully stick onto the wood and cover the whole piece of wood!
  5. Started a new tank (like Reef) and also started this thread (like Reef) The tank is: *1000mm x 500mm x 400mm (200 litres) + black stand *300 Watt Eliet Hagen Heater *Arcadia T5 light (39W x 4=156W) 6500K T5 Plant Pro bulbs *Ehiem 2026 Professional 2 canister filter *JBL Aquabases ground fertiliser *Dark coloured gravel 2-3mm *JBL Proflora CO2 injection system with Ehiem regulator *JBL ProTemp Basis 250 Got the tank started a week ago. Sorry, don't have any photos of the setting up process. Photos were taken with a cheap video camera. Not the best quality. A brief sketch on what I am planning to do with this tank :lol: 2 pictures I was inspired by The tank at the moment looks very bare, which it is. Awaiting some more plants which will arrive next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. The filter, substrate heater, and the cables... And I just spotted my tiny Tiger Lotus plant (which Antwan sent me for free ) producing another tiny leaf. Thanks Antwan. In the tank there are currently: 2 Apistogramma Huallagas 2 Hatchet Fish 2 Black line flying foxes 6 Cardinals 1 Schwartz Cories And I am planning to add: 10-14 more Cardinals 5 Otocinclus 2-4 Tri-line torpedo barbs 5 Schwartz cories 3 young wild Cockatoo Dwarf cichlids 1 Flagtail catfish 2 Golden Black-Eyed Ancistrus Maybe 10 Emperor tetras Plants to come: Green Pine, Red Pine, Glosso, Polysperma, Sagittaria Grass May add: x1 Aqua UV Sanitizer (11Watts) Going to take a while to get everything settled. I will keep updating after changes take place. Thanks for looking :bounce:
  6. Damn...Ehiem filters have a reputation for their strong continuous flow...
  7. Thanks for that. Hope that is the case. :lol:
  8. My tank's 200L. I will test the Gh and Kh soon. Thanks.
  9. Cheers for that Glenn.
  10. I have one... So just make sure it is in the safe colour zone?
  11. So if a pouch needs to be placed in the most last bit of filter media where would it be?
  12. Hi Reef. Nice start. Very nice set up. You should really have 4 6500k bulbs don't you think? And did you get the T5 from Hollywood? I bought my T5 light from Hollywood and they changed the 2 blues for 2 additional 6500k lights at no charge. Nice cories! p.s: Come look at my tank set up thread sometime..will be up soon.
  13. I see...how about the empty space right at the bottom?
  14. Since the CO2 was gone for a while I was afraid that when the CO2 is injected again, that the pH will rise and drop. Isn't this the case? I really don't know.. :lol:
  15. I have enough light and ferts. so should be fine. And the only reason I want to put the CO2 in before the fish is that last time when I did this, I lost quite a bit of fish. Especially the loaches. I started really slow. Like 20 bubbles per minute and slowly increased this over many days but still didn't work. So this time I want to get all plants ready, no fish and then crank the CO2 straight to 1 bubble per second or sth...then wait till the pH settles. But how do you know how many bubbles you need in your tank? (Please refer to my other thread) Thanks for the help.
  16. If I have ground fert, liquid ferts, strong light and CO2 will Ambulia grow leggy and have bare stems? Or will it grow more compact and bushy? Once I had Ambulia in a tank with no ground ferts, quite a weak light, some liquid ferts. and Co2 and the Ambulia turned very thin and leggy.
  17. If my CO2 bottle runs out, and it takes me a few days to refill it, will I need to set the bubble rate back to a low number per minute again? Or can I set it to the original number straight away? :-?
  18. If I have no fish in my tank but the tank is all planted and ready for fish, can I set the CO2 bubble rate straight to 1 or 2 bubbles per minute? Since there are no fish and the pH drops and rises wouldn't affect the plants as much as the fish. Would it be okay? And how long after the CO2 is set up would I be able to put in the fish. The tank is cycled by the way. Thanks.
  19. Hi. How do you know what rate of CO2 bubbles is needed in your tank? :-?
  20. I does anyone know where to place any pouches (such as nitrazorb or purigen pouches) in this filter? Here's a pic to make things easier. Help will be appreciated.
  21. 10 Schwartz cories 1 Flagtail catfish-Don't see many of these do ya? :lol: 2 GBAs :bounce:
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