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Posts posted by Afrikan

  1. Yeah the condition of females with holding too long would be the main concern, and then the hybridization as ryan said.. If you plan on having them breed in a mixed tank then be sure to expect some crossing, this could well happen.

    The condition of your females is crucial if they are to be left in a setup for continual breeding... I had female Jacobs that were constant breeders, I would remove the females to strip, put them back to condition again and arggh back with a gob full again... they did lose condition with this happening...

  2. I agree with Stu space between tank racks is crucial... That is one thing we didn't want to get wrong... and also make sure you have a nice height between rack shelves... so that when your tanks are fitted in, you still have a decent amount of room above top of tank and next level up, nothing worse than trying to get something into the tank or catch fish with limited room... or worse case scenario, the impossible because their aint enough room and the gap is too small :-? :roll: :)

  3. Never truer words said livingart... I believe that a couple should work together instead of work against each other, which is often the case when good old human natured power struggles step in, and we have all been guilty of them, a relationship needs to be worked on continuously, it is amazing how many people believe that once marriage is sealed then the relationship will work just because of the M word... :lol:

    I better go let my hubby out of the closet now..... :) :lol:

  4. Keyhole Cichlids are considered a member of the dwarf cichlid family... the initial breeding could be done in a 2ft tank with decent width and height... once their fry are free swimming, feeding well and growing on, then there is no reason the pair couldn't then be removed and placed in a larger tank if desired.

  5. Don't always believe what google finds that is for real, there is so much conflicting info across the web :lol:

    All in all a cichlid is a cichlid... no matter how peaceful a cichlid may be, towards each other through spawning... towards their babies raising them.... they will always get agro when it comes to defending their young... Keyholes are relatively peaceful but they are only doing as VM said, protecting their brood.. it's natural.

    You don't really have any other option than to find them a new home or get yourself a new tank, if you are planning on keeping the pair.

    They don't see it that your other tankmates had the territory first, they will see "oh we have a breeding ground... this needs to be our territory so look out".. fair enough :wink::)

  6. Bahhh, it's getting obviously too late for this old bag... I thought I had read that they were being naughty with each other also haha... I don't suppose you could then keep them in the existing tank and divide some of that particular tank off with something suitable, to keep them away from the other tank mates.. long term you might want to do as ryan suggests and get them their own abode 8)

  7. I don't supposed you could find something to put them in overnight with a divider in between the two of them? So they are away from your other fish, yet at the same time away from each other also, dividers can work well if there is trouble on the horizon between a pair of cichlids...

  8. Haven't heard any ban in regards to English Bullys or Staffordshires... better darn well not be...... :evil: Just because one particular dog with "bull terrier" in its name gets a bad rep, it better not fall back on other breeds with "bull terrier" in their name...

    APBT dogs or pups apparently are not allowed to be advertised on a certain auction site any longer, I was told that someone had placed an advert and the advert was removed and they were sent an email from auction site staff saying that no adds were to be placed advertising dangerous or menacing dogs... :-? There are English Bully adverts and English Staffy adverts, which are allowed.. even American Staff adverts are allowed.

    There are a majority of dog rangers out there that are getting fed up of hearing the public slamming of APBT...

  9. I agree that the little critters should be released, go crickets or locusts.. 8) We should be taking care of our Weta... no feeding them to our non native fish :lol:

    By the way, any one know where I can find water hyacinth?? :lol: :bounce:

    :lol: :lol: As far as I am aware water hyacinth is a swear word on this site :lol: :lol:

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