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Everything posted by Whiskas

  1. Whiskas

    is it a she?

    Mum has 2 cockatoo dwarf cichlids - one definately male and the second we bought as a female. However she is the same size as him now and has some colour - not as much as him though - is it possible she is a he? They dont fight and hang out together sometimes. Also when "she" was smaller she would go a sort of yellow colour all over although "she" hasnt done this in a while. They have never spawned Tried to get pics but they both hide almost all the time!
  2. that... is.... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. talk to the pest control people they will tell you how "extreme" you need to be. When we had work done for cockroaches and flies we just had to throw a towel over the tank and it was all good. But better ot be safe than sorry spose
  4. i crossed my gold ram female (not balloon) with a veiltail blue ram male. Only have one offspring - have to admit i not to great at saving the babies :oops: will do better next time *fingers crossed* - and the offspring who survived is golden and looks to have longish fins (not as long as dad though). I realise that one survivor doesnt necessarily depict the trend though lol The gold ram female is not putting on condition at all at the mo have no idea why! Got her some live feed from the stream today. But am hoping to try again and save a few more offspring this time!!! Would be interesting to compare the results
  5. I have a cool plant with yellow flowers (think its called water buttercup) its relatively low growing and spread - great for fry. Also got some variegated grass thing and a couple of others that i dont know what they are. Go to your local plant shop and have a look at what they have in their water plant area this will give you some idea what is out there. But research the plants first as some dont do so well submerged. As for netting - it works until the cats realise they can break it and get to the fish that way.
  6. we have an aquarium in the library - it only has 2 goldfish and a bristlenose in it, nothing spectacular - but the kids love it! We have a sign on the front saying "Can you find Mr B?" then has a pic of wat he looks like. Kids spend ages looking around the tank for him, even making it a mini competition, the adults often join in too. Perhaps you could get one hiding fish for the kids to locate, name it after your cafe so they remember the cafe's name when talking to friends/family etc. So yes the kids do love it (from babies to 12 year olds) and some even come in just to see the fish. The adults love them too cos they tell the kids to go look at the fish while they get their books issued and sort out overdues etc etc. The only problem we have is some kids knock on the glass, or hang on the side trying to pull themselves up to look from the top! But a little bit of education and it usually wont happen again. We also allow the kids to feed the goldfish if they havnt already been fed - or even if they have (hence why the fish are fat lol). IMO a decent tank and great food and coffee/tea/hot chocolate will keep everyone happy
  7. They in their own tank (kinda) just put in a couple of guppies as these tend to calm the rams down and they refocus their aggression towards the guppies rather than each other - the guppies couldnt give a damn :roll:
  8. :lol: thanks guys He been trying to show off and she just keeps rejecting him. Then he throws a paddy and chases her around the tank, nipping at her. For a few minutes or so they are OK together but she is damn afraid/wary of him. Decided this morn to put her in the breeding net (removed him from it last nite) so that she could actually get a feed and have a break. Don't want to chance losing her, bloomin hard to find a replacement - she is a gold ram (not balloon) and carries the long fin gene. Gotta do a water change so will remove them both into a bucket and change the tank around before putting them back in. Yea the kids did a great job on this relationship but they sure did pay - with their lives! (dad ate them) Lets hope the love gets rekindled! Divorce lawyers cost too much (so i have heard). Any more suggestions?
  9. I have a pair of rams who used to be a great pair - then the kids came along and it all went a bit rocky. Dad started beating up Mum and mum left him to raise the kids. Dad then killed off all the kids and Mum was given back. BUT he just keeps attacking her! I have tried seperating them by putting him in a breeding net giving her run of the tank, while he watched on in horror! I let him out and they were fine at first (first few minutes) but he back at her again! Anyone got any tips on how to encourage these two to be the pair they once were?
  10. Dad ate them O well will just have to try again
  11. with the amount of rain we have been having it doesnt seem to be drying up this year. Dunno if they have blocked off the water supply tho! Altho LOTS of people have been down there catching frogs and tadpoles - someone is even selling them on TM! The prob is some people are catching them but dont actually know how to care for them! poor froggies!
  12. I have got one lil gold from a previous batch - i raised it myself as the eggs were laid in the community tank. So yes fingers crossed
  13. had to remove mum today - dad was giving her a hiding every time he saw her!
  14. so couldnt find a gold male for my female so settled for a long fin blue. She doesnt seem to mind Here they are looking after their wrigglers laid 18/19 February: They moved their little clutch about 8 times and now the little guys are free-swimming causing all sorts of stress for mum and dad They being great parents so far. Will keep you all up to date.
  15. Hi all, just after some help. I am doing a Certificate in Animal Science through the Southern Institute of Techonology and at the mo i am doing the ornamental fish ID and health assignment. As part of this assignment I need to choose a fish and describe its lifecylce breeding etc. So I chose the corydoras. So what i need is: - does anyone know of a good diagram of the corydoras lifecycle i could use - any website that explains the reproductive behaviour (or any info that i could use). Found lots on HOW to breed them rather than their reporductive behaviour. Really any links or bits out of books that you think might be useful would be appreciated. I have googled them but just those two things i havn't been able to find much on. Thanks in advance
  16. so the lil guy is still alive :bounce: Also his mum and dad have spawned again - this time in their own breeding tank - so i will get the chance to see if they are good parents or not. The eggs should hatch tomorrow or sunday (i think), so fingers crossed Sad news is the other female long-finned gold ram passed away - she was quite old and had popeye/eye infection. RIP Mrs Gold
  17. They dont work well in the rain :lol: And my aim leaves something to be desired :roll:
  18. those rocks wouldnt stop my cats! They just sit and wait, the fish swims past and splash crunch the fish is gone and the cat is smiling :roll: :lol:
  19. Ive found them to be quite intelligent fish and some just wont get on together. They may breed but they have an argument and one of the pair eats the eggs just to peev the other off - I'm sure of it! Give them time, feed them up on good nutritious food, have some nice romantic spots to get their groove on and i am sure you will eventually be rewarded In saying that i borrowed mums pair of cockatoos for about 2 months (they had been together for a year in a community tank), put them in their own tank all good etc etc and still nothing. Gave them back to mum and am now trying her long finned gold ram with my long finned blue ram. *fingers crossed* Good luck with your pair - i hope they are good parents.
  20. turtles can live wild over here in the Wairarapa and we get massive frosts. Apparently red ear sliders live wild up the Waiohine Gorge area and someone told me they had seen others like snake necks or something as well. Turtles will eat small fish ie goldfish I've seen it Ponds are cool but be aware of neighbours cats who like to fish and depending on the size of the pond you could have probs with kingfishers.
  21. so i am REALY bad at keeping egg fry alive! BUT i have managed to raise one fry to free swimming :bounce: Been feeding him/her green water from my pond, so fingers crossed.
  22. yep they were bristlenose food! however about half the eggs i saved hatched - the rest succumbed to fungus. Now the hard part - keeping the fry alive to maturity!!!
  23. agree the second one could be a cross of colours but he still pretty Breed them and maybe you will get a throw back???
  24. I have/had one (it appears my solar panel or the tiny fountain pump dont work currently, working on this) Anyways it worked really well and there was one that had a battery that got charged. Google rock solar fountain in google images and you should see it. I got it on Trademe but have seent similar in mitre10 mega
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