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Everything posted by Tsarmina

  1. hi kookie, have a look at this http://www.trademe.co.nz/Home-living/Pe ... 598461.htm
  2. has anyone managed to breed chinese algae eaters? if so, what were the tank conditions at the time?
  3. what permits, and fecing requirements are you having to meet as the size and depth, would require it, in most places according to mark.
  4. i got some iso from either clives or amcal (in the mall). can't remember which one, but they should both stock it.
  5. i will post another pic as soon as the water clears up. i put some sand in the bottom and it's starting to look good. i think its going to take a little while for the water to clear completely as the 2 CAE i have at the bottom keep shifting the sand around. they have already dug 2 burrows in the tank.
  6. i had a snail problem. i gave some to billaney to take over to mystic for her puffer. the rest, my rosy barbs took care of as for what types, it all depends on if you actually want to have plants in your tank as some of the larger one will clean them out.
  7. Tsarmina


    ok, now when i put it in, i'm gonna have to take the fish aren't I? the question is how deep do i make it to get the best possible effect? also, about how long does it take for the sand to settle?
  8. Tsarmina


    at the moment, i don't think i want to be taking anything out of the rivers around here and putting it in my tank. with all the stories floating arould that this is in that river and that is in this river, i wouldn't know which one to trust
  9. Tsarmina


    i don't think i have ever seen a shell on the wainui beach thanks for the advice.
  10. very nice Kookie! will have to get around and have a proper look sometime
  11. Tsarmina


    the sand i have is a bacteria free dune sand. is this ok to use?
  12. Tsarmina


    what are the pros and cons of having sand on the bottom of a tank? i am considering using it for may guppy tank.
  13. if you do have male and female guppies, and they breed, i believe the betta may consider the fry as live food.
  14. has anyone ever done this and did you have any problems?
  15. close call! good thing you didn't have to catch quite as many guppies, aye. just like everyone else, if you need any help with fish storage, let me know. i have space available, if need be. (as you have seen)
  16. i notice that you mention you have a black ghost knife. someone else here mentioned using salt in the tank. now my question is, can you salt in a tank with a ghost knife? i always thought it was a scaleless fish so salt would not be good for it
  17. hi and welcome, try Trade Me. theres offten some on there
  18. oh, i'm sure she'd love that paul
  19. of course we are caryl welcome. i bought some fish of your cousin and my partner used to work with her.
  20. does it grow better / faster in sunlight or with a tank light over top?
  21. glad to hear your girl is doing well. the same thing happened to me a few nights ago. one of my rosy barb girls had a stone stuck in her mouth. i caught her, in the net, to get a closer look. Mark suggested squeezing her, gently, but there's something about squeezing a fish that scares me. fortunately she got it out herself. i was in the chat room that evening and caryl told me what you had done and the first word out of my mouth was "OUCH!" now that i have read the thread, i know its possible to do. hopefully it will never be something i have to do, but at least i have something to use as a reference if it happens again
  22. until i decide exactly what we're doing with it, this is how it stands at the moment. ^ ^ ^ ^ its amazing how the tank comes alive after i put in some microworms (thanks antwan) i also have 2 cae in there as vacuum cleaners
  23. Kookie, be careful if you are planning to get plants from the ynui pet store as she has a small problem with snails. if you do get them from there, dose them with snail rid BEFORE you put them anywhere near your tank.
  24. welcome. i am a freshwater fish keeper myself, but i know there are heaps of saltwater fish people on here willing to help as soon as you ask a question.
  25. with regards to moving your tanks, depding on the size of them, pack them firmly in banana boxes, padded with polystyrene and a big balnket or duvet inside of the tank, for padding, i would also recooend if your have a local storage centre near by, see if the have and truck pads, or furniture blankets, care fully tape one of these arounf the outside of the tank, for added protection. if your using a removal company, then make sure you label the box as fish tank - Glass, Breakable. TOP Stow,That way everyone knows to be careful. If you pack your stuff securely and advise anyone picking it up or packing it, what it is, then your should be damage free. Good luck (Tsars Partner- Owner Esdot Transport)
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