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Comments, Questions, Suggestions on my Planted Tank


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Hehe thanks very much for taking the time to reply and view it peanuts, Mystic, Caper, ltjan55, fishboi, Devon, BK, and evil :)

Devon there's a couple of 20cm clown loaches in there but they get a bit shy when the camera comes out. I'll be sure to get some cunning snaps though and post them up here after some shrimp pellet lures ;)

BK it's a bit too heavily stocked to add some discus at the moment (I think), but I have mused the thought many times of throwing in a dozen juvenile discus. Just they won't grow so well in there compared with the BB/Planted combination tanks I grow them out in (pics of them to follow soon).

Personally I think it needs a bit more fill around the back, I might get that hygrophilia (think that's what it is) in the back right and plant it out all the way across the back as it grows sort of like a hedge. Then again maybe it looks better just in a bunch :-? Always something you want to change aye lol

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Thanks a lot Ballastic, the driftwood I purchased from Hollywood Fish Farm in Auckland (North Shore) when I was there a few months ago. It works out quite well to create depth perception at the back right, makes a higher level. I've got a nice longer piece that I found at a nearby estuary when I was back in Tauranga a little while back, so I think I'll put it in soon to make a longer shelf. The only thing is it isn't quite flat/straight so I might have to cut it a bit so it doesn't stick up off the gravel and not fit in with the aquascape. Another good thing about it though is it's got some holes so the fish can go inside it, the clowns and plecos would love it. Quite sweet to find a piece like this for free as it would sell at LFS for $20-30 I'm sure. It's quite heavy and sinks straight away too.

Here it is just before being sterilised with boiling water... no bugs were harmed in the making of this sterilisation... (hopefully)


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As promised here's some shots of some of the 13 clowns



Here's my red spot pleco and a smaller bristlenose trying to push each other aside to get more of a shrimp pellet..so much for eating the algae!


A rare shot of a big clown


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Thanks mystic and dave, my pleasure :)

Fish keeping is the best when you just kick back and just enjoy it, makes all the hard work worth it. Very calming yet entertaining. Good conversation piece too, usually insanity comes up lol

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