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Mid water dwellers


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Also looked at other cichlids - convicts, severum, jack dempsey, texas, jewel, and of corse the jag. These are the fish I like but for one reason or another all but the Severum will seem to either eat my neons, fight every fish in the tank or grow to about the size of my tank !

Again I have neen advised not to go Discus whick is what I originally wanted.

Any other largish colourfull mid water fishies you can suggest?

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cons- arent that friendly normally and worse when breeding

sev- get at least 20cm, 25cm or so normally.

JD- eat your fish, get to around 20-25cm

texas- pretty nasty and will get around 30cm

jewel- theyre africans and just nasty anyway

jags- at least 35cm for female, males average 45-50cm and shouldnt be kept with other species, the only fish they might get on with is a breeding partner.

i loved my boesmani rainbows, theyre such beautiful fish- specially the males and they get around 8cm or so.

firemouths might be ok, will end up eating neons though. they tend to be pretty placid fish as far as cichlids go.

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Firemouths are cool!

I just bought a pair - well they were acting like a pair when I bought them, but now the male is harassing the female a bit, might need to add more rocks and plants.

Lucky :x

I've been trying hard to find females, I have over ten Firemouths at the moment and only one definate girl. My adult pair dont really fight, but the male is a wuss and the female is a bit of a man eater.

I've got my seven smaller guys (<4 inches) in my community planted tank. I did have to remove the neons because in the morning the Firemouth wakes up straight away but the neons take a good ten minutes, and were just too tempting, only lost 1 neon out of 15 though, so hardly a badass killer, although cichlids will be cichlids too I guess, ya never know.

I've found angels to be more aggressive than Firemouths in general, and my cute little young gold severums (which are half the size) don't take any bull from my adult pair of Firemouths.

I think the main reason Firemouths aren't labelled as 'cool' is most people don't see (or know that they do) the flarring they do, or the colouration and fin displays of a dominant male, and in all fairness they're one of those 'grey fish' and many people want to add colour to the aquarium. They're also wimpy as far as cichlids go.

On another note I've had a pair of Blue Acaras as mentioned before too, they were great but more of an upper than mid-dweller, or perhaps that was just my pair? Male looked great, but female looked absolutely hideous. They didn't cause any aggression problems at all, until a Jewel attacked the female (to her demise :( ) and after that the male Acara was rather vicious for about a month but only towards Jewel cichlids, so I quite liked them also as they seemed to have some intelligence to them, and didn't use unnecessary violence as such, but once again, I only ever had one pair, so might want to read up some more, just my experience.

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I got a pair of Sunset Dwarf Gouramis, the male is beautiful red with tuquoise fins and they cruise around the top of my tank, cool !

I guess these will settle my fish buying for a wee while?

On the subject of Blue Acaras and severums, I was told they will end up eating my Neons?

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the sevs will, they normally max out around 25cm but ive seen ones oscar sized :o they have pretty big mouths when they want to :lol: unsure about the acara, theyre not massive fish but a neon is quite small and not hard to snap in half if it wanted to... i would move them out if you want to definatly keep them out of a fishies mouth but if you dont mind risking it just leave em in there

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