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New planted tank - need help with the basics


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Hello Everybody

Well I have decided to do a proper planted tank now and have a 100L (90cmL x 30w x 40h) tank that i brought off TM. I have a few questions

1) I have heard of putting a planting mix under the substrate is this available from the LFS?

2) Is sand or Gravel better and if sand is is it hard to clean (ie get sucked up gravel siphon)

3) Undergravel filter - yay or nay?

Cheers for all the help

Kiran :bounce:

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I have heard of putting a planting mix under the substrate is this available from the LFS?

Yep, most lfs will have it

Is sand or Gravel better and if sand is is it hard to clean (ie get sucked up gravel siphon)

Sand IMO is better for plants roots and it is just as easy to keep clean IMO, just hover the syphon over it and it will suck up everything, possibly a little sand but that wont matter

Undergravel filter - yay or nay?

Nay, plants dont like alot of water movement around their roots, Although i do have an UGF in my community and the plants grow pretty hard.......



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Daltons aquatic mix is cheap - get it from your garden centre. Mix it with some gravel and then cover it with more gravel.

You do need to be sure you have aquascaped it the way you want it though, cause it makes a mess if it gets stirred up.

I have both gravel and sand in my big tank and I've noticed the plants grow faster in the sand. I suspect it doesn't pack down as hard as its very coarse sand.



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got sand in my planted tank but with sand comes a new set of probs with substrates. you need to make sure you either have enough plants to keep the sand from going anerobic or airate it yourself. im going to get malaysian trumpet snaisl for my tank soon cause they do burrow down and keep it nice for you apparently :D also the roots can apparently get cold as theres not much water flow down there, i havent had a prob with that but yeah.

with gravel you probably have less chance of the aquatic mix getting out as long as its a thick layer unless your careful with gravel vaccing, also if you have fish that like to dig (BN in my experience lol) it will make it harder for them to get to it. sand compacts and forms a tighter layer to keep the mix in but is easier to get moved by strong filters, fish etc. easier to clean though IMO as food particles dont get down into the bed and you just need to hover over it to get the bits and pieces. so theres good and bad points for both substrates, its really up to you which you prefer.

cant use UGF with aquatic mix or sand, youd have to put the aquatic mix on top of the UGF and you dont want it getting loose in your tank (massive brown cloud if it does lol) like it would as water would have to flow thru it. sand is just going to go thru a UGF.

good luck with setting up your new tank and the choices that goes with planting- its a whole new side to fish keeping :D

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I use sand and micronutrient from the shop with normal heater/thermostats and have had no trouble growing plant with a depth between 50mm and 250mm. There are no undergravel heaters in the Amazon jungle. Having said that I do intend to set up a tank with a heat pad under the tank and will report if it makes any difference. I mainly want to do it to heat a six compartment tank for killies but will put another planted tank underneath.

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the underground heater is not meant to replace the glass heater. they are primarily there to allow circulation within the substract. this will allow the substract to breath.

this is to prevent the substract fertiliser from gatting stain and turn toxic if it is not being used up by the plants.

i am using the aquatic mix across the whole surface so i am sure at 40% of the mix is still yet to be use. thus the gravel heater will try to preserve the fertiliser for future growth use.

there is no need for gravel heater for the first few months for the plants to thrive. but in the long run, it is better with under gravel heater. i have three in my big tank.


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thanks everyone :bounce: - i dont think i'll get UG heating at the moment :lol:

I've been thinking when planting does the fertiliser get stirred up alot?

Also bit off topic but will the LFS have polystryrene sheets to go under the tank?

Thanks everyone :bounce:

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I'll probably go fine gravel collected from the beach.

Another question is not having fertiliser and using flourish just as easy or does this work out more expensive?

your leaves will grow fine but your roots will not be well establish.

your will fine your KuHlI lOaCh and CoRyDoRaS will be digging out the roots.

your plant will most likely be floating on the surface. thus flaoting plant.

another option is to buy JBL fertiliser ball. it has work well for me and it is not tooo expensive.

once you think that the root is well establish, there is no need for substract fertiliser but you got to keep using liquid excel florish (or whatever brand).


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well after 4 busy weekends i've started to put it together - got the stand ready and it is level

a few things left

- get some polystrene

- collect the gravel from the beach

- buy some filter media for my new fluval

- get a new coverglass made.

I'm pretty sure i know hwere im getting the styrene from and the gravel

so i'll update later when the change is made

Contents look like theyll be

6 Harlequin Rasboras

6 Zebra or Pearl Danios

5 Panda corys

3 Kuhli loaches

1 BN

possibly a betta but that might be pushing it

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  • 2 weeks later...

Made the switch last weekend. I need new plants, I went to animates today but to no avail - all sold or the plants were quite damaged. Im looking into trademe but i'm not very comfortable about gettin them shiped

Cesarz - If you read this ive got enough chain sword at the moment but thanks for the offer.

Have gone with the laterite balls option

Will post pics once i get the some more plants

Cheers everyone for the great advice :bounce:

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shipping is really safe with plants. you just chuck em in a fish bag, blow it up with air, tie the top as you would with fish and off it goes. for some reason it doesnt dry the plants out at all (ive had plants in bags for four days and they were still fine!), perhaps because the oxygen etc isnt flowing freely. also old chinese containers etc work well if you dont wana risk a bag popping :)

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