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Hello from Kentucky!


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I've been keeping fish for about 5 years now, currently have 6 tanks running. 4 fresh, 2 salt and various individuals. I bought my 1st tank as an anniversary present for my husband (I knew nothing about keeping fish) He had kept fish years ago and I was hoping to restart his interest (tired of hearing about work, work, work!) Anyway, it backfired and I got bitten by the bug :lol:

75 gal. Mixed cichlids

30 gal. - 1 Clown, 1 Pajama Cardinal and 1 Yellow Watchman Gobie

20 gal. 8 Angfa Rainbows and a Royal Pleco

16 gal. Community- Cardinals, White Clouds, a Dwarf Gourami and a Tiger Pleco

12 gal. Nano (running, but currently no inhabitants)

7 gal. Community (my little girl's tank, of course mommy takes care of it)

3 Rasboras, 3 Cardinals, 3 Black Neons, 3 Featherfin Rainbows and a Gold Nugget Pleco

Individuals include: a Gold Killie, 2 Paradise Fish, 5 Bettas and a gGuppy

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Hi Mustcooktea,

Hubby had no interest, 1st tank was a 30 gallon hex (not very good for cichlids) so we didn't keep it long.

This is my 1st salt tank:


p.s. Got pics mixed up, needless to say flame gourami doesn't belong in this album :oops:

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This is the Cichlid tank, and one of Hubby's hobby that ended up in the wrong folder


This is a 12 gallon nano setup:


Some of my Bettas:


I need to do some updating and add some when I get time.

Thanks again for all the "welcomes"!

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Hi Rebecca,

Thanks, and good luck. Everyone told me to start with the largest tank I could, and they were right! The more water volume, the less chance for abrupt changes. Things can go really wrong, really fast in a small setup. But I started small anyway, I didn't have room or $ for the setup I would have liked! Also I wanted to find out if it was worth it before I sunk the $ in it. It has made it a bit more challenging. If I had it to do over I would wait until I could start larger.

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