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Just curious!


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The company I work for does fire/flood restoration.

They were at a house the other day that had a fire. The people had an aquarium with, I think it was 6/7 fish. I guess they had friends who were willing to take them but the people (fish owners) called the pet store and said that wouldn't be a good idea, which I agree.

They were going to destroy the fish. My friend who was at the house said there was lots of soot on the top of the water but the fish were all swimming around.

My question is, did they have to destroy them? Could they have survived if:

1) if they took paper towel and removed what they could from the top of the water

2) cleaned the filter & replaced what media they could

3) did a 50% water change, followed by small changes for a number of days

OR, would they have not survived anyway????

Just wondering what your thoughts are on this!

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If they were still swimming around I'd say odds are they'd be fine with a good water change and clean up.

Why the hell did they say it wasn't a good idea to have friends look after the fish? Oh yes, I understand, it's a FAR better idea to kill a living creature simply because you can't be bothered with a few minutes with a net and some buckets.

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The pet shop may have been genuinely concerned that sick fish would be put in with healthy fish and wiping them all out. In saying that if the friend had/could set up a Q tank for the sick fish it would have been a different scenario altogether. I would have tried to save the fish but I have the tanks – as we only have one side of the story I myself do not want to be one to judge.

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The pet shop may have been genuinely concerned that sick fish would be put in with healthy fish and wiping them all out

Yes, I do believe they didn't think they should be put in with other fish. But that's all I know there.

First thing I did when I got to work today was ask our guy about the fish. Anyway, apparently the owner didn't want to do away with them & asked him to do it, but he refused so the owner did. How I don't know, but I can only guess :(:(

If only I had known earlier I would have called the people and if the tank couldn't stay in their house I would have offered to take it temp or even had suggested what I asked here.

Anyway...thanks for your input :bow:

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I called the people...but it was too late...fishies are gone to heaven!

The man was truly upset when I told him what could have been done, in this case I would have offered to take his tank & care for his fishies till they could get their home straigthened out. There is no power to the home. He had asked friends to take them (to place in their tanks) and they were too scared their fish would get sick.

From what he said and what my coworkers said, he didn't want to kill his fish but didn't think he had any other choice :( With no power in the house, and no place to put his beloved fish, he did what he thought he had to do.

I feel bad for the fish but I also feel really bad for him, I believe he thought he had no other choice.

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