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Moisture in the house


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The system comes with one outlet, however the l/ph rating is the same as dvs and they will do up to 5 outlets before upgrading the fan.

I used the heat transfer kit to add 2 extra outlets, it has very good flow through all 3 vents and all the vents are adjustable, I am considering adding another vent but will see if I think it is necessary.

The system has only been running just over a day so it is too soon to tell how well its working, however I have noticed that my windows have not fogged up tonight as they normally do, also my dehumidifier has only pulled out about half its normal daily removal.

Rating so far 9.5/10 (price being the biggest factor so far)

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i am now into my 4th day of the system, it is going really well, i thort i might need to upgrade the filter as there was a smell of insul fluff, but this has gone and all in all im very happy with the way it is working, my windows are completely dry all the time, even with the bedroom door shut all night (i have a vent in each of the 2 rooms that are being used) there is no trace of moisture anywhere.

it dose create a bit more noise that i thort, still within comfort range but not totally silent, i have made no adjustments since i installed it so i might be able to reduce the noise by closing the vents a little.

rating is still a high 9.5/10, it has done exactly what i wanted it to do and the diy has saved me heaps.

with the money i have saved i might look into an upgrade. :wink:

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EU4/G4 sock filter, what dose the hrv have?

what is the l/s or m3/hr rating of the hrv?

i beleve the differace in price comes down to the lack of fetures of the diy kit, most of these features will not affect performance of the system, they just add controlability to customise the settings for flow and tempture, i have the ability to control the temp setting but i will need to add a motor controller to adjust the fan speed.

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EU4/G4 removes down to 10 microns, the HRV has an electrostatic filter that removes down to 1 micron. When you see what the difference is in what a 1 micron vs 10 micron filter removes, its quite considerable.

Controller would probably be the biggest difference at a guess, the fan speed dynamically adjusts on the HRV depending on what the temperature in ceiling cavity vs house is. No use pumping air in at a fast speed if its colder than the rooms (although there is a button you can press to cycle the air at the fastest speed possible - called "burnt toast" mode :D ) So, since fan speed changes, m3/hr obviously changes. Not sure on the range.

Still,... can't beat a system 1/3 of the price :D

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i use filters at work, i can get one to fit that is hepa h11, 99% down to .5 micron, might set that up, only downside to it is it will need to be chainged approx every 3 months.

is the hrv filter a sock?

the diy one slows as the temp falls, this is not controlable, unless i change the temp range.

the hrv is a very good system, i know a few people who have them and they are very pleased with the results, i am just too tight to spend the extra and would rather put the money into new toys. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

its real good, my house is that dry i can dry my washing inside overnight!

i set my low temp at 10 and high at 25, but i will be bringing the high temp down to 22 ish to prevent my tank from getting too hot the house stays shut all day and lately ive been needing to leave the windows open for an hour or so when i get home from work to brigh the temp inside down.

sounds like youve been shopping slappers?

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  • 8 months later...

hi all,

just wondering.. has anyone checked Hometech's anti condensation device. they have a model with heater. also, does anyone have a house with flat roof. i.e. no roof cavity and either of the systems installed.


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