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Moisture in the house


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What you have to do is back the car up to your front door, seal up around all but the exhaust pipe, and leave the engine running. After a while you'll no longer care whether the house is damp or not :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Seriously, its a house ventilation system and if you read back through this thread you'll find out heaps about it



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are you windows staying dry?

yes and no. there is a setting (not sure what they call it) which is how much air it normally kicks out when its idle (ie: temperature in ceiling is lower than setting on controller). the setting is from 1 to 6 and 3 is for the average house. the guy said 6 is setting for REALLY bad condensation. im going to up ours to 4 tonight (as its a reasonably large house) and see what happens. however there are a few reasons im not concerned yet: 1. it has only been a week or so, they reckon 3 weeks or more before you start to notice the full benefits. 2. the top of the roman blinds are fixed against the wall at the top, in other words there is no room for "hrv" air to drop down behind them. i need to remount them out from the wall to make a gap for the hrv air, i think this should make a difference. the areas where there are no curtains yet (kitchen, my office etc) there is no condensation at all. lastly, no carpet in the house yet so not sure what a difference that will make. so far all good though.

what do you think is the best benefit so far?

definately the ventilation! you can seriously taste the difference. the "heating" side of things only lasts as long as you have warm air in the ceiling cavity. it definately makes a difference late arvo/early evening though, usually fireplace is on at 5pm, now we can wait til 7:30pm - 8pm. it basically keeps the house warmer longer, but definately not all night...

there is a tradeoff on cold nights. the humidity is definately much lower but because hrv is constantly "on" (its always blowing air from the ceiling into the house) this means that when the ceiling temp drops to, in our case, 12 at night and the house is at 20, its pumping 12 degree air into the house overnight (although very slowly). the side effect being that its just as cold as it was without hrv late at night - however, on the plus side it's a much more comfortable "cold" because of the lower humidity and extra ventilation. as i say, its a trade off - we still have oil heaters on in kids rooms at night but because of lower humidity and better ventilation, even with the kids having colds they have stopped coughing at night immediately after the system went in. i've found that if i put the oil heaters on too high, the kids start coughing again because it gets too dry. so having the oil heater on low just to take the chill out of the air, its a really comfortable sleep. you can seriously "taste" the difference, its kinda like sleeping with a dive mask on :lol:

will let you know my thoughts in another couple weeks time, all moisture should have been dispersed by then. not sure when we can afford carpet (got fish expenses you know :D ), but when we can i'll let you know the difference that makes :wink:

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Chimera do you have aluminium joinery?

We have wooden joinery, exept for two ranch sliders, and most of the condensation we have been getting is on the ranch sliders.

Still its not much, and it goes very quickly in the morning when it heats up a bit.

We used to have a real bad mould problem, and dont really get any now, so i can live with a little condensation, rather than mould.

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yup, thats the biggest problem with houses these days, they're made to be water/air tight. aluminium joinery is so sealed you get condensation. bring back villas :D

They have condensation to :D doesn't help when you have a pool of water under your floor either.

Do you think putting one of those cheaper bathroom type fans into the roof would help? just pulling air down froom the roof space?

Don't really want to give the landlord a present (DVS).

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Do you think putting one of those cheaper bathroom type fans into the roof would help? just pulling air down froom the roof space?

:lol: highly doubt it. we got one in each of the bathrooms doesnt do bugger all. waste of time and money IMO. need a lawnmower motor hooked up to some 30" ducting to suck the condensation outta the air

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dunno, i got hrv :D i hear dvs typically use fewer outlets and place them in hallways, whereas hrv typically put in more and put them in bedrooms. thing is if you close your bedroom door, an outlet in the hallway aint gonna do much for your room. cant comment on dvs, never been in a house with it installed though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

been just over a couple of weeks now so the HRV's all settled in. definately works. "heat recovery" works (even though it relies on ceiling heat) although still need oil heaters on at night. ventilation certainly works, tastier air :D still some condensation, but minimal. happy with the product, not happy with the service. still waiting on my wine. might give it another week before i make a complaint :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Ok, I looked up 'bad service' in the dictionary and all it said was three letters, H.R.V. How bad? HRV service is the WORST you will EVER EVER receive, I guarantee it. You would think, "if it's just a problem with the sales person, contact the management and they will sort it out". Already done it. HRV management are WORSE than their sales people.

Considering a job at HRV? Make sure you have a diploma in "rudeness, arrogance and poor people skills". Some key skills to have in order to get the job - "prioritise customer complaints as the lowest possible", "never ever return phone calls, no matter how many messages are left", "when you do speak to clients, be rude, blunt and most of all never apologise"

Heres a summary of what happened from day one to now:

1. HRV sales lady, who was incidentally rushed, turns up trying to sell the system however to her credit, was on time

2. She eventually gets to price, price is very expensive. Says HRV offer all clients a "quick decision price" by taking the GST component off the cost if we buy then and there, this happens to be $3,280 saying us over $500.

3. Still have second thoughts about purchasing, she says she'll round it off to $3,200. Have a look at finances, ok decision made, we'll buy it

4. She writes up the paperwork, filling it out at $3,280, not $3,200 as discussed. She says "ooops, how about I drop you off a nice bottle of wine once the system is installed instead, will save me writing up the paperwork again". Should have said f-off, but was so taken back at how rude this was plus just wanted this lady out of my house

5. System is installed a several weeks later, product itself is good, no bottle of wine, no phone call

6. We decide to wait a little longer to see if she actually remembers, another week passes, nothing.

7. Another week gone so we phone up and leave a message, no call returned.

8. Another week, this time a call to the manager, says he's busy, will call us back that arvo, nothing!

9. Called back manager the next morning, says he'll call back in 5 minutes, no call back 5 minutes later, in fact no call back at all

10. Ok, we now decided that they wanna play games, so are we. Dont care about the wine now, my wifes breast feeding anyway so she cant enjoy it, would rather have the money instead, could have been $5 - it's the principal now

11. Another week goes by, finally get hold of the manager again who asks who the salesperson was and he'll sort it out (do you see a pattern to this yet???)

12. Low and behold, we get a phone call from the sales lady. No apology whatsoever, a simple "hi, now what would you like to drink red white or bubbly?" to which we answer "we dont want wine, we want our $80 back". "oh,... I think its already been processed", "well we want our money back", *lengthy pause* "oh ok leave it with me and I'll see what I can do" (it's like a broken f@#%$ record really isn't it?)

13. Another week passes, I wonder if they are 'doing something about it still?'...

14. Ah well, its been a couple of weeks might as well make another phone call. Ask to speak to the sales lady, "no im sorry, she doesn't work here anymore" (*raised eyebrows*, *shake of head*) so ask for the manager, not there, leave a message (ok, I suppose you just gotta laugh now - what was the point of that?)

15. Phone the manager today (now this part explains how obviously rude they are) lady who answers the call says "he's on the phone". We ask to 'hold'. Another lady answers, asks who it is, wife tells her her name, she comes back and says "manager is not in the office". "Thats funny, the original lady told us he's on a call", she then gets a little speechless and says "oh, errr, umm, he's in the office, he's just not in his office" (likely story) Hold a little longer and speak to manager who then asks for address and says he'll post out a cheque...

Ok, so now we play the waiting game and see if 1. a cheque really does get delivered and 2. if they wish to retain any form of being a reputable company by offering more than just a $80 money back for mucking us around for several months.

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