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New Plymouth now has three marine tanks


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Yes the tank's done and I transfered everything last tuesday. I'm pretty happy except the sps have all gone brown but I'm sure they'll come back. Also one coral completely vanished I'm stuffed if I can figure out where it went. Nice pink one too. I'll put up some pics next week won't have time on the weekend.

Anyhow sorry for the interruption Mark, apart from your nice cabinet I was also going to say you've got very nice aquascaping, I see you've got one or two corals, what's that big round thing on the right?

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Thanks for the comments guys

The big thing on the right is one of Mitchs magic mushrooms. That good old naki water with all the iron in must be doing it.

I have two torch corals at the moment and two brain corals plus two frags of hard coral so still have a long way to go before the tank is complete.

Also have plenty of apistasia what a pain in the butt that stuff is to keep down.

The cabinet is solid remu i had made by a local kitchen maker who sadly passed away a few years ago. Would not like to price one these days. Anyway i have been in the fish hobby for a long time now so felt i deserved a nice piece of furniture as well as the tank to go in my lounge.

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