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Help setting up AP850


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Can you help set up my AP850?

Where does the water enter and exit this skimmer? Blue or gray tap?

Why two taps and it looks like the pipe on the blue tap has had skimmer water running through it?

What size pump do I use to run it?

Any help would be appriciated.


Also any idea what all this air line inputs are for?

How does this P600 work?

Where does the water enter and exit?

What is the red knob thing?


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Slapper thanks for the info.

I got these from Ebay Germany..... $1000 for both landed.

Where can I get spare parts if required?

I was planning to use my 1260 to run the skimmer which should be OK.

I will get a new air valve from the garden center.

Any ideas on the P600 reactor air line tubes?



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For the skimmer,

water runs into the top, exits the bottom,

I ran mine (way back when) off a gravity feed off the tank overflows.

For the reactor, I believe the top red part would be to bleed off gas build up and can be used to install a PH probe for spending more money....

The outlet (water) would be the thin pipe exiting the pump outlet side,

the two inlet for water and CO2 in will be on the inlet sode of the pump.

Don't know if that helps or not



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