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Disaster Avoided ??!! I HOPE!!


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was getting the kids ready for school as usual this morning and walked past my fish tank and noticed the water level had dropped. immediately wonder why, walked closer and discovered that the carpet was wet and then heard the unmistakable drip drip noise.

the tank had sprung a leak, at least I had noticed it when the level had only dropped by 10cm - gave me plenty of time to react.

Also lucky in a way that MTS has set in as when hubby decided he wanted a cichlid tank we ended up with the one he set up and another one that I hadn't commissioned yet.

so rung hubby and got him home from work to get it out of the garage (to heavy for me to lift) and start saving tank water and moving fish.

have now transfered fish and as much water from old tank as could, plus the aged water and hope that the shock/stress won't kill them.

problem with this tank as its longer is, no cabinet as yet to sit it on, so its sitting on the floor - oh well.

So a visit to Port nicholson glass I guess to get the other tank resiliconed, as he has started to build a stand for the leaky one, once hes done that stand, I guess I will just have to keep him busy and build a stand for this one as will, so that will be 3 tanks plus the fry tank.

I know a long ways to go to catch up with some in here but its a start.

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Heya peanuts,

Remember - MTS is NOT a competition :) Sorry to hear about your tank leaking, that's a huge fear of mine with these second-hand tanks. Which tank was it? Impressed that you are having stands built for all your tanks, that's an expensive investment.

If you need any help or a spare temp tank give me a yell. At present I have 3 sitting empty in the garage :lol:

Better stop typing and get sucking that water outta the carpet!


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Hey Peanuts sounds like a close call! Are you sure it wasn't the air line tubing coming off the filter/airstone and creating a siphon effect? I had this happen on my 300L once and didn't realise until all the fish were bagged and moved and there was only about 10cm high of water still left in it!

Could you not have just filled up the tank in the garage and moved the fish in there?

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Just as well you spotted it before heading off to the school Peanuts.. Good Timing :)

Small leaks can be sealed while the tank is full.

Just apply a blob of good quality silicone to your finger and force it into the leaking area.. "Underwater".

It will harden as normal.. and the small amount will not harm your fish.

There could be varied opinions on this... but having done it several times I know it is a quick easy solution that in most cases.. (provided the whole seam is not tearing away).. that works... and is safe.

I know a long ways to go to catch up with some in here but its a start.

Makes no difference if you have a single ten gallon.. or a hundred four footers... we are "all" fishkeepers here that love what we do.. :)

Hope the change over goes well.


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When hubby came home he tried placing silicon over the hole, but couldn't get it to stick, pressure just kept forcing it off. so definately had to move fish over.

but fish seem to be happy enough for now, was most concerned for the dwarf gourami, as they have been newly aquired and didn't want to lose them, but have seen them happily swimming around and both of the adult bristlenose has come out of hiding and is busily moving around the tank, am glad they haven't bred yet, otherwise that would have been a nightmare.

thanks for all the offers of help, but we have enough filters to run three tanks.

and thanks for the support.

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Hey Karen,

So this is the guppie/BN tank? Must have been hectic fishing all of them out. Glad you have things sorted.

Oh, I think Bill/Pegasus meant putting silicone on the INSIDE of the tank, not the outside. The pressure should keep it in place rather than push it aside.

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When hubby came home he tried placing silicon over the hole, but couldn't get it to stick, pressure just kept forcing it off. so definately had to move fish over.

Lucky one peanut.

But when trying to stop a leak, you work from the pressure side, inside the tank!!.

You can do as Bill says, and if you have a crack form in the base as I have had, water leakage is fairly rapid.

I just moved back the gravel on the base, cut a piece of glass, slapped silicone all around the patch and put it over the damaged area.

It is still there to this day, and that must be ten years at least ago.

NEVER try to repair a crack from the outside of the tank as the water will just travel the crack to exit at the end of the it.

Alan 104

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Hi Peanut

I had a similar dilemma just before christmas and I am happy to say I didn't lose a single fish over the whole thing, after catching them and moving them to a smaller temporary tank and then moving them back again a few weeks later, so here's hoping your fishies will be okay too. :) Keep us posted on your progress.

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When hubby came home he tried placing silicon over the hole, but couldn't get it to stick, pressure just kept forcing it off. so definately had to move fish over.

Thanks for clearing that up guys.. I did say "Underwater" :)

Not recomended.. but around two years back my daughter bought a four footer that my wife inherited and it finished up in our lounge.

It stood there full of wonderful fish and plants for around a month or so.. then one night as they were watching TV we heard the sudden dripping of water.

On close inspection the whole of the left hand front side was giving way.. and only the top cross brace was holding that end in position.

The family were in a panic.. but I just grabbed some heavy packing tape and got them to wrap it arond the tank while I pushed the front back into position.

Once I saw the tape was holding I just ran a ScotchBrite pad over the inside seam to remove the slight algae growth.. then (using my finger).. I applied (by gentle force).. a thin smear of silicone to the inside seam, while at the same time allowing a slight bit to pass under the old silicone.

Following day we removed the tapes with no leaks.

Tank stood there for a further two years with not a weep :)


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He probably thought of it BUT as it isn't fishy grade silicon I wouldn't have let him.

have just rung Peter at Port Nicholson glass - its going in tomorrow for a rebuild, this means that we can also use the opportunity to get an internal brace and decent lids. I have been using perspex as lids.

hubby has also said that he will get cracking and build my stand so it will look good at the end of this and so far the fish have settled into their temp. home quite happily.

its been 6 hours and no sign of any of them stressing out.

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nope no losses. am happy about that. - have my tank back fixed and rebuilt looks better than before - but haven't transferred the fishies back yet as hubby is building me a stand out of rimu to match the lighthood that he built. - he has welded the steel together is now just sorting the rest - have been hasseling him to get a move on as would like to set it up again this weekend - won't count on it though - he is a perfectionist when it comes to building things. and as it is my tank not his - hes not in such a hurry.

I suppose he also knows that once my tank is sorted he will have to start sorting out a stand for tank number three.

but when I tell him tonight that I have got him another two cichlids for his tank and when they grow he will need the bigger tank - that might get him moving :lol:

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good plan Peanuts :D

Hope you get your fish back in okay. When I moved my fish back in from the temporary tank I had over christmas they almost sighed in relief :D as the temporary tank was only 2 ft and their normal one is 4ft, my angels celebrated by spawning, but then ate their eggs.

anyway best of luck for the next bit :)

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