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anyone else done one yet?

as soon as the new skimmer arrives, the refugium will be "tapped" so it can be bypassed from the display and sump thus doubling as a QT tank :D best of both worlds, a hopefully happier fish because of the live food plus quality water from the main system

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Have you guys researched the QT setups?? Is there any point doing it if your not going to do it right? I'm not saying I know better than you, but reading on Reefcentral

"Careful thought must be put into the tank decorations. Calcareous materials should be avoided as calcium carbonate absorbs copper. This causes two problems if treatment with copper is necessary:

1. It will be difficult to maintain the correct level of copper as the absorption by the calcium carbonate will take the copper out of solution.

2. A drop in pH can cause the copper to be released back into solution potentially causing lethal doses of copper. "

This pretty much rules out using your refuge as a QT and having LR in there.

"The fish should be left in the quarantine tank for at least four weeks. Six weeks gives more time for observation"

I've actually also read 2 months before as well.

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Feelers, it is done, SteveA run a couple of tanks in commercial buildings that are doing it. But there are two problems, first some fish (like tangs) will eat it, which makes it pretty much impossible to keep if you have these fish. Second, if you dont have fish that eat it, it takes over your tank so you are forever in the tank pulling it out, it is bad for the other corals to have you hands in the tank. It's very difficult to have middle ground.

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