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A sad day for the loopy household


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Hmmm ... Oscars.... don't think they have too many bones like a blue cod.

I would suggest steamed with ginger and spring onions and a sprinkling of about 2 tsp of salt... steam for 15mins and then pour on some Soy sauce.

Hmmm yummmyyy :lol:

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Sorry about your loss.

I suggest you stay away from oscar until you have calmed down a bit. Alternatively - fish for tea!

Caper, as fish get bigger they will eat anything smaller so it doesn't matter how long they have been tank mates - smaller fish = food.

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OK...so the size issue, "fit in mouth supper" can always happen then with any fish, right?

But don't sharks get fairly big as well or just not as big as oscars? Actually, I thought you couldn't keep any other fish in with oscars except oscars????

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i can sort of see the funny side of it now. i think the oscar realised he had stuffed up. The oscar is a smallish one (i think he has been rather stunted before i got him) and the shark was about half the length of the oscar. When i saw him he was sitting on the bottom of the tank with about a third of the tail end of the shark sticking out of his mouth and a look of "i really think i bit off more than i can chew" look in his eye. just annoying :(

The oscar hasn't actually grown any since i got him and the shark was just a underfed little, about 6cm long weed when i got him and he had over doubled in size.

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Nope he wasn't feeling any remorse at all.

He was sitting there slowly grinding sharky up in the back of his mouth.

I lost one of my firemouths like that.

It looked all the world like the oscar was poking tongues at me as it breathed.

Don't make it two losses and ge rid of oscar

Just get bigger tank mates.

Alan 104

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He must have a good memory! he keeps vibrating his tail every time he sees me now! He looks REALLY peeved.

Although i did actually take the shark off him. i thought -he got enough pleasure from catching the poor dude, i didn't want him to have the pleasure of eating him too. and i was really fond of the shark and wanted to give him a wee burial in the garden.

Now i have a rather grumpy oscar who nearly 12 hours later still hasn't forgiven me for taking his "breakfast" away. :roll:

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