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Coldwater algae-eater


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I'm looking for suggestions as to an efficient algae eating fish

for my un-heated, indoor, LF-WCMM tank. Because of where

it's located it gets a bit of excess light and this (combined

with the occasional overfeeding of livefood) is causing a bit

of algae to grow. It doesn't bother me overly, but I don't

want it to get out of hand.

I want something that isn't going to harm the plants (Valisneria

and Java Moss) and/or fry and ideally something that I could

eventually breed. I'm planning on putting in some peppered

cats (anybody breeding these at the moment?) as well.

I'm wondering about the cold tolerance of Ancistrus spp and/or

Otocinclus spp? Any other suggestions? I'm avoiding using

snails at this stage. There is a piece of driftwood in the tank

so a Loricarid would have something to entertain itself with...

I realise that many species may be fine now but may not do

so well over the winter although the tank is in the lounge and

therefore will be kept a bit warm. I guess I could always drop

a heater in there in winter.

Anybody breeding anything that may be worth trying? A friend

in Auckland is breeding Sturisoma at the moment but I feel

they'd be too big for this tank...

Your suggestions are welcome.


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No one has heard anything about Otocinclus at low-ish temps?

Anybody breeding Ancistrus spp at the moment? What about

peppered cats?

BTW: Aqua, you know Corydoras (in this case, C. paleatus) are

general 'scavengers' and *not* algae eaters, right?


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What about an algae eater a.k.a. sucking loach (Gyrinocheilus aymonieri)? I've seen them in coldwater goldfish tanks in one shop at least (suppose that makes them coldwater goldfish and algae eater tanks then!!).

One cleaned up my tank of excess algae that was growing on rocks and plants but it was constantly trying to give my kribs 'the bash' so I got rid of it (at my LFS) today.

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Corydoras (in this case, C. paleatus) are

general 'scavengers' and *not* algae eaters, right?

Erk. Ummm Yesss.... Of course I knew that! :o :-?

hehehe general scavengers are good, not that the minnows really make that much visible waste!

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Kriber said...

> What about an algae eater a.k.a. sucking loach (Gyrinocheilus

> aymonieri)?

No, I don't like them. They get nasty as they get older and while

I don't expect one would harm my WCMMs I still don't want one.

Besides, I want something at least potentially breedable :)

Thanks for the suggestion though.


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I'd read that Oto's are ok in low temps (18-22'C) and don't actually like warm temps above 25'C. I bought 2 dozen once for my planted tropical tank running at 27-28'C. They all slowly died over about 2 months. May have been something other than the temp, but I couldn't think what.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Yesterday I found 4 Otocinclus (probably O. affinnis I guess)

at Wet Pets for $13 or so each. Bought them and they now

live in my LF-WCMM tank and seem quite happy. They've

made a small but visible dent in the algae already.

Also bought 10 'Harlequin' Rasboras (R. heteromorpha) for

my new community tank. $4 ea seemed reasonable.

Needed something swimming around in there while I'm finding

time (and finances) to finish it :)

Wet Pets also had some almost adult Ancistrus available for

$10 each. A bit more than I was hoping to pay but I figure

4 should keep my big tank clean-ish so I'll need to go back

at get some at some stage.

Thanks to all who offered suggestions and advice.


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Just an update. Over the weekend, the 4 Otocinclus have

done a great job of cleaning up much of the algae in my

LF-WCMM tank. I expect it to be spotless in a week or

so. Hopefully I'll be able to supply enough greenery to

keep them happy once they've cleaned up the current lot.

BTW: It's quite humourous to see them try and school with

the WCMMs :)


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otocinclus are for sale at redwoods for only 3-4 dollars only :lol: , i have 2 in my discus tank and they do a bloody good job on the algae. I have an article here on the care and breeding of otocinlus and if kept in to smaller groups they will not fare as well as a bigger group together, apparently they will school together, i have seen my 2 follow each other around all over the tank, so a group must look really impressive. Mind you though in some books it says never to keep these with discus for they will feed on the muscus on the discus :-? , but i have never seen them do this :) . As for temperature 70 - 79(f) and a ph range of 5.5 - 7.5 makes a pretty adaptable fish, just read my notes and they require high oxygen content in there water, but then my next lot of notes never mentioned it. :-?

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Just got back from Redwood :D After reading Macka's post about the oto's I just had to get some (my tank does have a bit of algae on the glass so I really needed them honest :D )

Cost me $4.90 each, much better than $14.95 that I've seen them at other stores.

I bought 3, the 3rd one came from some random tank with a couple of livebearer young that he didn't know about which I only noticed when wandering about while waiting for the guy to get some frozen food from out back :) .

So there are at still 2 left but they're supposed to be getting some more in about 5 weeks.

Later all

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