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Dob in Aquarium Dumpers Say DOC.


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Just saw this in the New Zealand Herald today.

or go to: http://www.nzherald.co.nz/index.cfm?l_i ... D=10342140

Dob in aquarium dumpers says DoC


Anyone who dumps the contents of aquariums into lakes or waterways is breaking the law, the Department of Conservation warned yesterday.

DoC Canterbury ranger Helen McCaughan said a member of the public had reported confronting a person releasing the contents of an aquarium at Lake Janet, on Mt Gray in North Canterbury, recently.

She said it was illegal to release aquarium fish into waterways and those caught could face fines of up to $5000.

"I find it amazing that some people are still so ambivalent about the damage they could cause," Ms McCaughan said.

"Aquarium fish could carry disease, they could breed and eventually out-compete both native and sports fish such as trout. There's just no end to the damage that could be caused."

Fish and Game spokesman Ross Millichamp said he, too, was appalled at the idea of aquarium contents being dumped into lakes and waterways.

"New Zealand's trout and salmon populations are free of disease compared to Northern Hemisphere trout and salmon fisheries," he said.

"It is of vital interest to both New Zealanders and visiting tourists that we keep disease out."

Ms McCaughan said some species of aquarium weed were likely to cause big problems in New Zealand waterways.

"Unwanted aquarium weed should be composted, as even small fragments can grow and multiply," she said.

"These weeds can clog lakes and streams and ruin natural habitat.

"Unwanted weed can be difficult to detect initially but once it takes hold, it's extremely difficult to eradicate."

DoC says anyone who sees unusual fish or weeds in their local waterway, or notices someone dumping aquarium material, should tell the department or their local Fish and Game office.


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Some people are idiots - and we (all fish hobbyists) get the blame.

You said it...... it's the same with most companion animals, they find a few idiots releasing them (or some that have been released), and next thing the media and politicians are all calling for them to be banned. :evil: :

That said you don't see people calling for dogs and cats to be banned, no matter how many are dumped... :roll: (not that I think should be...)

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