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a couple of questions

Dodgy Guy

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ok so we have had a smaller tank before and about 7 days ago got our large 250L tank. now we did the good things like upgraded the filter and heater, used the right chemicals and let the tank sit for a long as we could bear.

(1) after a few days we noticed the water was kinda cloudy, looked a tad oily and smelt a tad foul. so we added some chems for NH4 and no luck. finally emptied the whole tank washed everything down and refilled. and it was ok. so what causes the water to go dirty so quickly in such a large body of water?

(2) our oscar and pleco just today destroyed some very expensive plastic plants :evil: any solutions? esp with living plants?

(3) under gravel filtter vs a standard sucky tube. pros and cons?



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The cloudiness would be the bacterial bloom that happens in the early stages of a tanks cycle. You REALLY need to refrain from doing water changes or playing with the tank until this phase is over, which should only take a day or two at the most.

No answer for 2.... I'd probably get some fast growing plants like Indian fern and water sprite and drop some lettuce in the tank to keep the pleco's appetite for plants satisfied. Sorry your plants got ruined.

As for the undergravel filter.... not with Oscars. They're EXTREMELY messy eaters and you don't want all that getting into the gravel. You need good strong filtration for Oscars and I recommend a canister filter (preferably external). There's a thread on filtration for oscars and how many to keep in a tank here.

Hope that helps and I'm sure others will chip in with their thoughts as well.

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If you already have an external canister filter I would not bother about getting a $30 attachment for undergravel.

The canister filter will be fine doing its job by itself.

Spend the $30 on either more fish or more tanks. :roll:

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