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plants and pleco's


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okay this has probably been asked before but im too exhausted to hunt for the question and answer in the forum so please bear with me.....

I have a pleco who doesnt have a lot of algae to eat - keeps the tank far too clean for his own good :lol: - and thus i have to keep only plastic plants in the tank with him or he demolishes the live plants - so i guess my question is.....

which live plants are hardy enough to stand up to a bit of a rough pleco? he's not huge yet and i feed him the algae disc that you can buy but they dont distract him enough from live plants - he loves to eat then til they are just stubs and then he roots them up out of the gravel - great little guy that he is....had him about 5mnths (i think)

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How about acorus (japanese rush). Not a true aquatic but we use it in several tanks with large plecos and the only thig they are likely to do is uproot it. Bonus is that when it starts looking tatty you can replant in the garden to recuperate and then reuse in tanks.

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i just realised this morning when i couldnt find this topic under freshwater that i musta put it in the wrong forum part.....was having a good day yesterday as can tell....

anyways thanks for all the replies and dont worry about the dope who puts things in the wrong places.

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