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How do I courier plants?


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misnoma and caryls plants arived a day after they sent them all in good condition and wnet into my tank just fine. I must say they look quite good to and the fishy's seem to be enjoying there new "play things". :D

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last week i sent some quite large plants to a couple of people. I put the whole lot into rubbish bin liners, added about 100ml of water and tied the end of the bag. Then i got some lareg sheets of lite cardboard, rolled it around the bag, to make a tube, folded the ends in and sent them off...

Was next day to Wellington & 2 days to the RD address - as far as i know the plants arrived fine.

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:hail: from new zealand discus man..

note for plant people... :P

i have over 118 tanks just discus .average about 250 liters and would like to add some plants like amazon swords..

water mostly rain..6.5 Ph little mains now and then for minerals..

many customers are asking for them..also who has info on what levels of plant are need to help keep nitrate under control..

and what is there growth rate to make worthwhile planting..

i will have to use small pots as under gravel filters have a mat of filter wool thats about 6mm thick ,woven stops fine pumus sand falling through..

will need a lot of plants if i go ahead... :x

any info will be appreciated..cheers phill collis :oops: to old to remember about plants..

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