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Growing Pains


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About 3 months ago i purchased 5 Turquoise Discus all the same size from the same place. All are healthy and well except for "Johnny 5" who in 3 months hasn't grown at all. He gets food and is healthy he just hasn't grown.

Johnny's 1 through 4 are all 3 times there original size but Johnny 5 just refuses to grow. Weirdest thing ive ever seen, Is this normal or common.

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His growth may have been stunted (happened to a baby discus of mine once) or may just be the runt of the litter. "Runts" happen for any number of reasons, namely inbreeding, which cause conditions such as scoliosis which prevent them from growing as they should. You can always try selling him on TradeMe as a "dwarf discus" :lol: roflmao :lol:

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One of my original black neon tetras is the same way. He hasn't grown much at all compared to the other 2 I bought at the same time. Plus he's the one that also swims a tad different than the others. With all that said, otherwise, he seems to be just fine.

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Could be a runt for any number of reason and some of them have nothing to do with u. I have one myself, he stopped growing when the others started pairing up. There is almost nothing you can do, Some people say move them to another tank to feed them up but your's is eating. If he does have/show any signs of diseases just see what happens. The other thing that you could try is worming them.

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The other thing that you could try is worming them.

Ok this i had neverheard of and thoughts of the local council hydatis control officer forcing a pill down a tiny Discus throat or heaven forbid up his butt just makes me shudder.

But seriously i'm not at all concerned about Johnny 5 as he seems fit and well just a little stumpy and i just wondered if it was a normal occurance.

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