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Buying new fish outside my area


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Hey everyone,

Have just discovered nor'wester's post on transporting fish. Would like to find out how I can purchase fish outside of my region and ship them to Southland. Our LFS is kind of limited although Im sure they would order in for me, but their prices can be kind of hefty eg. $120 for juvenile discus (and thats per fish, not for a breeding pair etc) which apparently is very expensive. They are not 24 carat fish! Not sure where to start in regards to LFS in the south island as I would prefer some info from you guys that have purchased fish from quality outlets, as opposed to buying from a non-reputable business. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

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lLFS in CHCH sell 2-3 inch Discus up to $170.00 each and Chch LFS are ment to be cheep. Unless you want to buy a few say of Discus it would probably easyer to order in from your local and ask for discount because they wont have to stock them for any length of time. Discus you could try NZDiscusman

and trade me for others. Depends how much you want as you could find that the freight makes it just as dear unless you are buying in some numbers.

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Hi maxy

If your after Discus fish then I would recomend getting in contact with nzdiscusman, I use to have access to wholesaler prices and hes about the best prices I have seen in NZ to date.

Otherwise if you look at trade me and are lucky enough to strike someone who is willing to ship fish South thats now where i get 90% of my fish from.

Hope that helps.

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Hey there maxy.

I have seen the same thing with East Rd Pets as I was told their clown loaches were one price (when I was looking for an algae eater) and when I went back a few days later they were twice the price! Seems weird tho.

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TC bought a discus from Wet Pets in Palmerston North and brought it home with her in the car and on the ferry then overnighted in Blenheim and continued home to Rangiora the next day and the fish was fine. It had been bagged correctly and well.

We regularly buy fish when we are in ChCh and it can be 7 or 8 hours before they get into a tank back here by the time we have finished shopping :wink:

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:hail: from new zealand discus man..

good to see imput about us..

we have live banners on FNZAS that lead to prices and freight estimates..

yes we offer discus via Trade Me ..and FNZAS ..good way to get known..

check out now..

even says.. new zealand discus offering..then discus type,,

there key words to my web site..

we have full page adds in mag that goes to all clubs..


cheers good discus keeping...ps dont charge gst or for free advise at present..

cheers phill

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