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Algae level unacceptable.


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Hi, I've been keeping a 100L tank for several years, but I know so little about algae. My 3 plants, bacopa, crypt and java are really skanky looking with algaes, and the only algae I can indentify is black beard. I've included photos. Does anyone know how make my plants look nicer. The bacopa is terrible. 

I treat the black beard with Flourish Excel and add Flourish Comprehensive Supplement and Flourish Natural Phytohormone. There are fertiliser balls in the stones. 

What is the algae covering leaves with a black layer and what is the algae growing like hairs from the edges of the leaves?

Would appreciate mightily any suggestions.

fish tank 1.jpg

fish tank 2.jpg

fish tank 3.jpg

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The plants you have are slow growers so will always attract black beard algae (bba).  That is what is growing on the edges of the plants.  Flourish excel dosed as per the instructions ie daily will deal to bba and will do it quicker if you get a syringe and target the worst areas.  Any bits that float in the water column will re-attach.  All algae needs an excess of nutrients in the water to grow so keep your feeding to the minimum and vacuum the gravel in your tank well.  Lighting also contributes, as java fern and crypts don't need high light you could try reducing the lighting period for your tank.  Regular water changes ie weekly will also help.  Depending on your tank size you could look at purchasing either otocinclus or bristlenose catfish to graze on the algae on the plants.   What are you growing that requires you to use fertiliser balls? 

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Thank you so much for your extensive and quick reply Adrienne. 

I put fertiliser balls in the stones for the bacopa and either the crypt or java. Can't remember which is which. It would be great if I didn't have to use the fert balls as cleaning the stones would be way easier. 


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None of those plants require fertiliser balls. In fact, I have never used added fertiliser and have to keep hauling excess plant from my tank as it all grows so well. There are some heavy feeders who do require excess fertilising but the ones you have aren't in that group.

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I think no ferts definitely works in some places.  It comes down to what minerals are in your water supply. If you have very soft tap water with not much in it you will probably need to add some ferts. 

Thought I'd add that in case someone with tap water like mine reads this, and can't understand why they are failing.

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I don't currently have bacopa but did so, with no extra fertiliser, many years ago. I currently have Anubias nana, C affinis, Java fern, Java moss and mini sagittaria. Every now and then a tiger lotus or two appear, grow madly and overtake one end of the tank, flower, then die off again. Never add anything to my tank if I can help it.

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