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looking to setup a reef


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Hi guys so for the past year and a half or so the I've been into fish it mainly been all about the planted tanks but lately I've setup a small cichlid tank and now I'm thinking about setting up reef tank. so I'm only 13 so can't spend like thousands but I do have a bit to spend. My mums bf can get me any of the equipment I need shipped in and we're going to build the tank at his workshop. Could you guys please recommend what kind of sump to use, what lights and equipment and what fish and corals I should get to start off with. I was looking to make the tank 120cm x 45cm x 45cm is this a ok size. Not 100% set on having a reef tank but would really like to experience it to see if I like it or not.

Thanks in advance for all the help everyone

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Hi :)

Reef tanks are expensive (there is not point in saying they are not)  unless you go something like FOWLR - fish only with live rock (no corals) and even then the equipment you need is costly and they are time consuming.

The sized tank you are looking at is not a bad size but if possible it would be better to go deeper ie 120L x 45H x 60D.  This is because in nature reefs don't exist in the lower levels and corals need decent, although not always high light.

Considerations re equipment for a tank that size

Sump - with return pump 

         - with skimmer

         - with heater

 Wavemakers - will be needed depending on the pump size, hardscape and types of corals

 ATO or ATU - automatic top off or top up (called either) as evaporation can be high

RO/DI unit - essential if you are going to use tap/tank water, not so necessary if you are using NSW - natural salt water but the water around NZ has salinity of 1.027 and tropical marines are 1.022 - 1.025

Refractometer - to test salinity

TDS meter 

Lighting - once again depends on what you are keeping.

Are you thinking of tropical marine - or local marine (marines found in NZ waters)? 

If local marine you will require a chiller.

Fish - the best bit of advice I was ever given was decide what you would like and check out compatibility before you purchase the first one.

Corals - there are 'beginner' corals out there.  I can assist with some 'easier care' frags to start you off.

I am not going to tell you to research as I know from experience that you spend a lot of time doing research :)

Patience, heaps of patience is the key.  If you get impatient and think 'oh I am sure it will be okay' then trouble will likely happen.


My big tank in the lounge - the one you saw empty is 150L x 60H x 50D - not the ideal height (lower and deeper would be better) but will give you some idea of the size yours would be.

As far as sumps go - go as large as you possibly can.  Sump design varies but if you look at my thread on here 'and so it begins' you will see the sump that was designed for me.  NB the 'square' part of it on the right hand side, slightly higher is the ATO storage.  My other marine has a plastic food grade barrel for storing the top off water.

Once again, you are welcome to come and look and chat specifically about the marine tanks.  I don't know it all and never will but I can put you on to people who will give you the right, and good advice.

Good luck :)


Edited by Adrienne
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What are the pros and cons to having a fish only tank or a tank with fish and corals??


Fish only

Pros:  Significantly lower maintenance and set up cost due to lack of coral's lighting and water requirements.  Can keep coral eating fish.

Cons:  No corals.  Corals are cool.


Fish and corals

Pros:  Corals are cool.

Cons: Significantly higher maintenance and set up cost due to coral's lighting and water requirements.  Can not keep coral eating fish.

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