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wather from rain


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Water?  A number of people use rain water for water changes so the answer is that generally it is fine.  It depends where the run off is coming from and what you store it in as to how good it ends up.  Fish with special requirements as in need high or low pH may not handle it.  You would need to match it to the species requirements.


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Is your cold water piping copper or just hot water?  Most houses only have the hot water system on copper because its more expensive then pvc alternatives.

If your cold water is copper I still wouldn't worry about it unless you want to keep invertebrates like Ira said.  Some fish medication (Malachite Green) consist solely of copper and are used in much higher doses then you would get from water running through the pipes.  If you are worried then just run the tap for a while to flush out any sitting water in the pipes before using in the tank. The longer the water sits in contact with the copper the more will be dissolved so by running the tap you will be bringing in fresh uncontaminated water.

If you are using rain water it won't need filtration before putting in the aquarium, it will be a lot more pure then most city water supplies and you won't need to deal with chlorine.

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Copper is an essential trace element and any commercial fish food contain a trace amount of copper. Concentracion is so low that it's not worth worrying about.

Rainwater has low alkalinity  and pH will be unstable and difficult to maintain. Most fish will not tolerate rapid changes in pH. You should worry about that :)

Rainwater has no minerals in it. To maintenance of the acid base balance fish must have Na+ K+ Cl- otherwise, fish will die so you need to add some salt mix  (minerals in fish food ingredients???).

Malachite green has no copper, it is not same as mineral malachite.

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Malachite green has no copper, it is not same as mineral malachite.

Sorry Boban but Malachite is a mineral of copper (copper being the element), it is one of the main indicators of a copper source when prospecting and one of the main minerals that is mined to extract the copper from (like all metals, natural pure copper is rare).  It is also why corroded copper pipes etc turn green - Malachite is forming from the oxidation.

Rainwater could be simply buffed with crushed shell if needed to stablise PH.

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Appears it's C23H25ClN2

Lots of carbon, lots of hydrogen, a little iodine and nitrogen.


...a little chloride ...

Malachite Green as a common name covers more than fifteen different chemical compounds.  Many of them are not used as a fish medication at all.  Malachite green oxalate (C52H54N4O12) CAS Number:2437-29-8 is used as an  antiparasitic substance  but you can use Malachite Green hydrochloride as well.


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...a little chloride ...

Malachite Green as a common name covers more than fifteen different chemical compounds.  Many of them are not used as a fish medication at all.  Malachite green oxalate (C52H54N4O12) CAS Number:2437-29-8 is used as an  antiparasitic substance  but you can use Malachite Green hydrochloride as well.


AH, you're right, stupid ambiguous letters, I thought it was CIN2 not ClN2

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Hmmmm... :-) i am beginner :-) now I'm confused again. If rain water is without minerals what I suppose to do can I put minerals.? Here everybody drink rain water..so we don't import minerals in our organisam with water. We are in deficit with minerals becose of rain water? 

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