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Fresh water, new tank finally settling down. Recommended sto


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Hi guys, previously everyone has been a big help with ideas on what to do. Iv gone and upgraded to a 300 litre tank and have now managed to last a couple months without even guppy fry from curling over so I feel I'm ready for the next step. More fish

At the moment in the tank:

2 bristlenose pleco

1 hoppolo catfish

7 Neon tetra

2 guppies

2 female swordtails

1 scissortail.

Now I'm wanting more action with bright colours. The tank is planted with bog wood and either end and spider root in the center. I love the look of angels but with guppies i feel I may start missing a few, So iv found the local pet store has some pearl gouramis. End result I was hoping for something like this:

2 bristlenose pleco

1 hoppolo catfish

10 Neon tetra

4 guppies (1m 3f) (they can bred away if fry survives well that's a bonus)

4 swordtails (1m 3f) (same as the guppies)

1 scissortail. ( kept because i got two for free but he can get aggressive so long term not wanting but he's a tough bugger (jumped out of old tank while cleaning many times so he would be missed)

3 or 4 Pearl Gourami or 4 paired angels. ( orange light for the livebearers)

What do you guys think? Or am I well over my head and need to be looking at other options of fish?

Kind regards

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Your tank at 300 litres, unless it has a decent footprint might be slightly on the small size for adult pearl gourami who can reach 14cm. If you really like them get them but be aware that you might have to onsell some of them when they get larger. You also won't get a lot of 'action' from these guys, they are pretty placid.

Only one pair of angels to a tank and anything that fits in their mouth will become dinner (neons included). That might be your action.

As far as your scissortail goes, it is a schooling fish so a few more might help it settle down as it is more likely to annoy its own kind.

What are the actual measurements of your tank is what is providing your filtration - that will have a bit to do with what fish you can best keep and how many.

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That is the link to my tank. My tank size is 120widthx50deepx66Tall


That is the link to.my filter

. What I did notice on the box tho is that it was ok up to 30 litre tanks yet this site states less... unsure actually.

In that case, I like the angels but they will cause havoc with my other fish are their any other larger colorfully fish that will leave them alone? Proferably mid to top on the taNk? Thankyou for your help!!

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Some of the bigger fish in my community tank include a trio of buenos aires tetra, they nibble plant and chase my black widdows though. Golden barbs add a good splash of colour though. My other beasts would be my 2 female platys about 8-9cm they are what I describe as a dragon mine look like this but less orange

http://imgur.com/CLV6RQR :) :bggrn:

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I love the look of the tanks you have but I want the biggest one :)

Your tank is a good height for angels. I do hope the store told you that those sharks get to 1 metre at maturity so won't be able to turn around in your tank if they ever do get that size. They are fast and rather like to jump :) They are just as likely to cause havoc as angels but just because one can cause trouble doesn't mean another fish of the same species will.

Your filter will struggle with a medium to heavy bioload. I know the filters well and they are best on tanks between about 120 - 150 litres. 4x the turnover is the minimum recommended and while I know the 1200 is 1200 litres an hour, the rating is without media in it which reduces the flow. Just keep a good eye on it and be prepared to water change more often.

Post some photos for us. :)

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  • 5 months later...

Here's my tank now. I do have a few questions on high nitrate readings. 20mg. Any help reducing this would be appreciated. I used to have the same stocking bit replaced 40+ guppies with 8 angels. Now it's thrown the nitrates high. I was alway sitting on zero no2 n03 ammonia and pH 6.7 ish.

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The tank is looking good. When was that plec added? They are major poo machines and personally I think the aquarium would look a lot better without the plec. It will also rip up the decor as it swings its tail around so will dislodge stuff without even trying.

Frequent water changes is the best answer and that is what you are doing so see how it goes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do like the way you have scaped your tank.  It looks great.  :)

they use to be nicely planted until big plec came along haha. Now it's made like a cave so I'm happy.


When I had guppies a all my pollutants were 0. Now the nitrates sit on 20. Does that mean my tank is trying to cycle with an increased bio load and I should keep up with my 2x weekly water changes? Adding maintenance doses of bacteria

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I would drop the salt as its not needed and your plants won't like it.  Salt's good for treating sick fish or preventing some disease when introducing new fish but it does nothing as a long term addition.

By the way if the pet store recommended using aquarium salt ($13 / kg) then take any further advise from them with...well.. a pinch of salt.  It doesn't have to be aquarium salt and even table salt ( < $2 a kg) is fine since the iodine and anti-caking agents added to it is at such small amounts that it will never harm the fish.

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Plecs are waste machines.  Two weekly water changes are not a lot - I do weekly and always have.  The only way you can reduce your nitrates is to water change - after all nitrate is the end product of a cycled system and needs to be kept flushed out.

Sorry what I mean lt was I do 20%on a Tuesday night and another 20% on a Friday night - 2 a week.

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Sorry what I mean lt was I do 20%on a Tuesday night and another 20% on a Friday night - 2 a week.

ah haha. Sorry about that.  Just keep an eye on the nitrates.  You could rinse out one filter sponge at a time in old tank water when you water change and see if that helps.  Otherwise if you are worried something like nitrazorb will work however it requires regular replacement.

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