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Doc's NEW rimless tank project

Dr A

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Damn near impossible to get a good photo off my phone, and dragging the ole' camera out is such a PITA.

Anyway, the little embers are a step down in intelligence from my fighter - they won't pick up food off the ground at all, and they get very scared when they loose sight of the school, freaking out and either freezing or going completely bonkers and getting stuck in pretty derpy places.

I can see food on the substrate being an issue. I'm going to try vac some up tonight, but with just a sand substrate I don't know how well that'll work... some sort of bottom feeders are going to be a necessity. Will oto's eat leftovers off the substrate, or would pygmy corys be better?

I'm thinking 10 embers and 5 or so tiny corys would be fully stocked for this tank.

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Oh dear, just came home from work to find one almost dead (not swimming), one missing and the other two fine.

Checked water params and they're all good (PH of ~6 though, lots of driftwood in the tank). Nitrite & Nitrate @ 0.

The tank had previously concluded a fish less cycle so I doubt it's going through a mini cycle.

My run of luck with fish continues!

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Righto, so I picked up another 5 ember tetras and 2 pygmy cory cats.

Total stocking now of 9 Embers and 2 Corys. Tank is ~30L

Tank is more or less fully stocked now, the Embers are completely different fish, although my original 4 are much darker coloured and seemingly more dominant.

Was planning on 5 pygmy Cory's, I'll see how I go for that, pending on how quickly waste products rise in the tank.

Not too fused about the lack of CO2 at the moment.

Very tempted to get this (with some sort of gate/ball valve and something to filter the inlet), and maybe a in-line heater/DIY build. The stand lends it's self very well to making a nano sump, but I think doing it safely could be more effort than it's worth.

TL:DR, my hallway now has a low maintenance planted-ish with heaps of movement. Mission more or less achieved I think.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Eeek, Tank has been going well (still no CO2), found all the fist gasping at the surface this morning though. Since swapping to a canister filter I've lost any surface agitation so I think that may be the issue.

Did a big water change and I've hooked up a power-head w/ airline to blow air through the water.

May well get another timer and an air pump.

Everything going well otherwise though...

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Yeah I've now done that - it does have a spray bar.

It's one of these guys.

I'll see how I go with that for now.

Stocking plans are still to add a few 2 more cories. I'd like to get some ottos but I'm iffy on that.

Happy to take suggestions (27L tank w/ 9 Ember Tetras and 2 Pygmy Cories atm).

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Preformed a rescape last night. There's something to be said about having all* your plants attached to driftwood when it comes to re-deploying things.

Gone for more of an island style layout, with plans for more crypts and dwarf sag around too, i'll get some fert balls in there I think.

I just wish my little ember tetras wouldn't swim into the java fern (windelov, it's making heaps of babies out of the tendrils of the plants) and get themselves "stuck" by freezing.

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