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Hello all,

I've just recently joined.

I'm from Tauranga.

I have a small nano tank (21 litre) which I'm converting to a guppy tank soon (or Scarlet Badis/ dario dario if I can find some). I just have to wait until I get a bigger tank for my Danio which I currently have in that tank. I know it's too small which is why I'm getting a bigger tank soon :) .

With that bigger tank...I was wondering what a good "cleaning" fish would be? I was thinking either a Borneo Sucker or some shrimp (I've never seen any shrimp for sale so any ideas on where I could get some? Are you allowed to have the native shrimp?)

I would love to hear which pet/fish shop for you recommend that's in the Tauranga bay?

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Thank you all for you reply's.

I would love to get some Otto's or BN's but as I'll be having the bigger tank at subtropical temperatures (around 20) I'm not sure how well they would do which is why I thought the Borneo Sucker would do better.

For the Danio's...what size tank would you recommend? I was looking at the Blue Planet Classic 40 but I'm not sure if that is too small. Is there a tank you could recommend that is around 75 litres and is longer rather than taller?

The Danio's would be: Leopard's, Zebra's and Pearl's.

I currently have 1 Leopard and 2 Pearl's.

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hello newbie :wave:

Longer is good for the sleek zippy fish who love to swim, like danios. They will be ok in a 45L tank but if you have room for a bigger one they would be more fun to watch.

Bristlenoses are probably ok at that temperature, you can buy them already acclimatised sometimes. Borneo suckers like fresh green algae and lots of current but they are ok in that temperature. Otos are probably ok too, as long as it doesn't go much lower. Mine are in 21-22 degrees and are doing ok.

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