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Current pictures of my tank...


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To distract everyone here's some current pictures of my tank. Not the greatest pictures, but I don't feel like taking a whole bunch of pictures at the moment.:)





(Note to self, clean the glass better before taking more pictures)

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IRA - Not sure the powerhead on the front glass gives the right 'look' ;)

While I remeber, you mentioned somewhere that you Hynophora isn't doing too well. Feel free to bring it back here, and I can hold onto it for a month or 2 until it recovers then you can just grab it back and try again. No drama for me.

Nice to see some pics, looks like the cyno has all be gone?


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Steve, I'd say the lights have definitely burned in. It's been, what? A month? Anyway, they're less blue and a bit brighter than the started out.

Reef, They're Aquamedic Aqualine 16K kelvin bulbs.

Angelfish, the red stuff is a macro algae, rodophyta or something like that.

Pies, I'm not too worried about looks right now, at least as far as powerheads and things. Eventually I'm thinking I'll replace them with an oceans motions squirt or something. But for now...Well, I dunno, half of them aren't starting up when the wavemaker turns them on. I suspect the Hydno is probably a lost cause. It's looking MUCH better since all the hair algae and cyano practically disappeared after I treated the tank with flatworm exit. There's a few little patches of hair algae scattered around on the powerheads and the back still has a fine layer, but the rocks are pretty much totally clear, no cyano anywhere.

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is that a sebae anemone? Guys, found a little mantis shrimp last night in my tank. It must of come in on a recently bought coral (in the rock). Bout an inch long. (Think it was a peacock mantis). I think i must of accidently put a shoe on and stepped on it. :wink:

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is that a sebae anemone?

Ummm...Well...*Shuffles around* Yeah, it seems to be... :oops:

But doesn't a sebae clown seem to go well with a sebae anemone? Even though I'd decided I didn't want a sebae anemone, I misidentified this one and bought it, stupid me.:(

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